Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Maslow Rokeach

Maslow’s Theory says that he believes that humans strive for an upper level of capabilities and humans seek the limit of creativity, the highest level of consciousness and wisdom. Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of needs. All of his basic needs are instinctual, equivalent of instincts in animals. Humans start with a very weak outlook that is then shaped as the person grows. If the environment is right, people will grow straight and beautiful, realizing the potentials they have inherited. If the environment is not "right" they will not grow tall and straight and beautiful. One must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing onto meeting the higher-level growth needs. Once these needs have been reasonably satisfied they may be able to reach the highest-level called self-actualization. The steps of this pyramid starting from the bottom include: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Belonging needs, Esteem needs and finally Self-actualization. I agree with him on the his pyramid because I think that you can not go on to the next subject or â€Å"level† until the one you are currently on is completed. Different people have different levels of completeness. Rokeach’s Theory was about open and closed mindedness about beliefs, attitudes and values. He had a system that he followed about beliefs, attitudes and values that were as follows: Beliefs vary in centrality: the more central, the more resistant to change. Change in central Beliefs lead to overall change in belief system. Changes in peripheral Beliefs lead to less change in overall system. Value is the most important conception in understanding behavior. Values have two functions: Instrumental (day to day) and Terminal (ultimate aims).... Free Essays on Maslow Rokeach Free Essays on Maslow Rokeach Maslow’s Theory says that he believes that humans strive for an upper level of capabilities and humans seek the limit of creativity, the highest level of consciousness and wisdom. Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of needs. All of his basic needs are instinctual, equivalent of instincts in animals. Humans start with a very weak outlook that is then shaped as the person grows. If the environment is right, people will grow straight and beautiful, realizing the potentials they have inherited. If the environment is not "right" they will not grow tall and straight and beautiful. One must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing onto meeting the higher-level growth needs. Once these needs have been reasonably satisfied they may be able to reach the highest-level called self-actualization. The steps of this pyramid starting from the bottom include: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Belonging needs, Esteem needs and finally Self-actualization. I agree with him on the his pyramid because I think that you can not go on to the next subject or â€Å"level† until the one you are currently on is completed. Different people have different levels of completeness. Rokeach’s Theory was about open and closed mindedness about beliefs, attitudes and values. He had a system that he followed about beliefs, attitudes and values that were as follows: Beliefs vary in centrality: the more central, the more resistant to change. Change in central Beliefs lead to overall change in belief system. Changes in peripheral Beliefs lead to less change in overall system. Value is the most important conception in understanding behavior. Values have two functions: Instrumental (day to day) and Terminal (ultimate aims)....

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Life in the Warsaw Ghetto essays

Life in the Warsaw Ghetto essays The holocaust was a tragic even in history when Jewish residents of Germany and other lands were deported into concentration camps or ghettos. One of the well known ghettos is the Warsaw Ghetto that lasted from October 1940 until June 1943 (Resnick 46). Warsaw was one of the largest ghettos with a maximum amount of prisoners there at one time of 450,000 people (Resnick 48). Many Jews were forced to live in hallways, under bridges, in pile of trash, or anywhere that they would be able to get away from the rain, snow, and cold (Warsaw 38). The ghetto was closed off by barbed wire or wooden fences and patrolled by German guards who constantly brutalized innocent people (Resnick 39). Plumbing frequently broke down and bathing was almost unheard of. Even the toilets couldnt be flushed (Resnick 40). Many of the people that lived in the ghetto died from malnutrition. In the three summer months of 1941, 85,000 prisoners died from hunger, thirst, and sickness. Out of those 85,000 prisoners that died, 20,000 were children (Resnick 46). A typhoid fever outbreak in 1940 killed 15,000 prisoners. It was calculated that the rations that were supplied didnt even cover 10 percent of the normal requirements (Warsaw 38). When the deportations began, efforts were made to establish a fighting organization, consisting of the various underground factions operating in the ghetto. The Jewish Fighting Organization; ZOB, was formed on July 28, 1942. The deportations stopped in September by which time about 300,000 Jews had been removed from the ghetto. This left the population at 55,000-60,000 in the ghetto. These survivors that were young people, left feeling isolated and bitter. Most of them blamed themselves for not offering resistance against the deportations. The prisoners now shared the same idea that under the existing circumstances their only way to freedom is fighting the German troops (Establishment of a Fighting Organization n.p.)....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 17

Case Study Example The players usually leave the portfolio companies in the form of IPOs and ensure that the companies have perfect management teams and business models that are sustainable and can stand the test of time. However, the companies will be considered to have a lower value in case they attempt to go back to the public. In general, the players were tasked with ensuring that the companies were well nurtured and became ready to be scrutinized by the public capital market after an IPO. Investment bankers will also apply their expertise in assisting the companies to go public or to make consequent. As such, they introduce the firms to the investors. The Investment banks did this by providing advisory, financial services and they helped the companies price their offerings and underwrite the shares. It was often done in the form of a road show. On the other hand, the portfolio managers also have the special role of acting on behalf of the investors. They are expected to help them buy companies that are fairly priced. This is achieved through selling companies that have become overvalued because buying or holding onto an overvalued stock will directly lead to a great loss. Sell side analysts have their own clients who include portfolio managers. Their main roles included the publishing of research belonging to public companies. As such, investors will monitor the performance of public companies objectively. This will help them to determine the suitability of the stocks as a form of investment at any particular point. Buy side analysts possess some roles similar to those of the sell side analysts. They were assigned to a particular company to conduct company research. Accountants are faced with the task of auditing the financial statements of the companies. They make sure that these companies comply with standards that have been laid down. Therefore, they act as real representatives of the true status of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writting paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writting paper - Essay Example Struggling financially is a burden for them both, yet the husband is placing his career in danger by taking time off due to hangovers. The wife is willing to go out to work so that extra money is brought into the house but the husband believes that his wife should stay at home and raise the children; conventionally this is ideal, however the husband can not afford to be as proud or stubborn as he is being so far. The husband is placing extra pressure on his wife by drinking. Not only is this using the finances they are struggling to earn, but he is not providing the physical and mental support she needs. The husband has a family history of drinking, this is an added concern as alcoholism can be a genetic issue. The husband is repentant when sober and knows he is wrong, yet when his wife attempts to confront him regarding this, he leaves the house to go and drink. With regards to the rest of the family, there are older children present who are equally concerned with their father’s behaviour, they have asked questions regarding his drinking and are worried that as their grandfather died of a drinking related illness, their father is at risk. Social issues are apparent as the older children are concerned with regards to bringing friends home. The husband is clearly fraught with worry as to how the family are going to cope financially. Medical bills are bleeding them dry and he is finding it hard to keep his head above water. Clearly a very proud man, he feels that he has to cope with this on his own. Having considered all these facts, it is unmistakably clear that this family needs support and assistance. It is proposed that for a temporary period, or until the family are able to cope again, some intervention is necessary. Firstly, the husband’s drinking needs to be assessed and dealt with; once this has been managed, the husband will feel in a better frame of mind to cope and will discontinue this negative pattern of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Meditation on Yellow Summary Essay Example for Free

A Meditation on Yellow Summary Essay 1. Created by: Patricia L. PittSan Fernando East Secondary School, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies   2. Travellers’ Tales   3. Meditation on YellowJennifer Rahim, lecturer in English in theDepartment of Liberal Arts at the University of theWest Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad has describedthis poem as â€Å"a clever, satirical monologue thattraces the evolution of the capitalist ethos in theregion.†She notes that â€Å"Senior evokes the color yellow assymbol of a historical continuum of plunder,enslavement, and servitude that marks theCaribbean’s relations with the developed world,beginning with the conquistadors’ misguided searchfor gold, then the sugar of the colonial plantationeconomy, and finally the trade in sunshine and sandof the contemporary tourist industry. † 4. Meditation on Yellow-Part 1Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote a novel entitledOne Hundred Years of Solitude. He has statedthat his favourite shade is:â€Å"The yellow of the Caribbean seen fromJamaica at three in the afternoon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A dominant theme in his One Hundred Yearsof Solitude is the inevitable and inescapablerepetition of history. The protagonists arecontrolled by their pasts and the complexity oftime.Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez also used colours as symbolsin this book. Yellow and gold were the mostfrequently used colours and they weresymbols of imperialism and the SpanishSiglo de Oro. Gold signified a search foreconomic wealth, whereas yellow representeddeath, change, and destruction. 5. Meditation on Yellow-Part 1El Dorado is Spanish for thegolden/gilded one). Legend has itthat it was the name of a Muiscatribal chief who covered himselfwith gold dust and, as an initiationrite, dived into a sacred highlandlake. Later it became the name of alegendary Lost City of Gold thathas fascinated – and so far eluded –explorers since the days of theSpanish Conquistadors. Thoughmany have searched for years onend to find this city of gold, noevidence of such a place has beenfound.El Dorado came to be usedmetaphorically of any place wherewealth could be rapidly acquired. 6. Persona-An Arawak of Jamaicaâ€Å"Had I known I would havebrewed you up some yellow fever-grassand arsenicbut we were peaceful thenchild-like in the yellow dawn of our innocence†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Lemon/Fever Grass Fever grass tea Yellow sulphide of arsenic 7. â€Å"a string of islands and two continents†for â€Å"a string of beads and some hawk’s bells†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Usually the word string would be followed by pearls, something of value. In this case however, the Indians received worthless  glass beads and hawk’s bells. 8. â€Å"(you were not the last to be fooled by our patina)†In the Taino culture of the Antilles, aguanà ­n was a badge of triballeadership, worn by the Cacique(chief).It was a mixture of Gold and Bronze,made from flakes of gold extractedfrom rivers; these flakes werepounded with rocks until theymelted together into a small discwhich the Cacique could weararound his neck or some other partof the body.It attracted early European visitors. 9. â€Å"As for silver/I find that metal a bit cold† To bite the bullet is to endure a painful or otherwise unpleasant situation that is seen as unavoidable. 10. Meditation on Yellow-Part 2 Persona –Hotel/Hospitality Worker â€Å"served by me skin burnt black as toast (for which management apologizes)†Ã¢â‚¬Å"At some hotel overlookingthe sea†¦Ã¢â‚¬  11. â€Å"I’ve been slaving†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 12. â€Å"I’ve been slaving†¦ for your†   13. â€Å"Just when I thought I could rest†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Tourism-the new form of colonization and exploitation†¦ 14. â€Å"So I serving them†¦Ã¢â‚¬    15. â€Å"But still they want more†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Sex tourismâ€Å"want it strongwant it longwant it blackwant it greenwant it dread† 16. â€Å"You cannot stop those Streggehs†-loud, promiscuous women in Jamaica Cassia Allamanda Poui Golden Shower 17. â€Å"You cannot reverse Bob Marley wailing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  18. Bibliography for Med on Yellow

Friday, November 15, 2019

Are We Addressing The Needs Of Our Schools? :: essays research papers

There are many problems that need to be addressed in the public schools today. What factors are causing these problems in the schools? The main causes are absence of prayer, the many pressures of school, lack of dress code, and insufficient numbers of caring teachers, faculty, and students.When I say lack of prayer in the schools, I don't mean lets make everyone one religion and every morning at school we can pray in that one religion. Instead there should be a moment of silence. Not to take up time but to let everyone have a moment to pray to whomever or however they wish. For the kid who's grandpa died and has to go to school because they need their two points for this six weeks. And the ones who wish not to pray can take that moment to just think. Lord knows we as high school students don't have much time to just stop and think. There are many pressures in the public schools. All of a sudden in high school everything changes. Everyone takes that first merger into "the real world". As a junior there is much more pressure put on the students. One minute a sophomore thinking "Yeah I'm going to college". While the next as a junior thinking "How on earth am I going to get to college". Now that we are juniors we are suppose to be grown up. Everything from "Where am I getting my gas money?" to "Where am I going to college?" is going through our minds all of the time, and yet some how we are supposed to come out calm and prosperous. All of this pressure and many of young adults do not get a chance to let it out. It is like tossing a human body in to outer space with no protection. It's a vacuum that just tears it apart piece by piece. Could this have been what caused the Columbine shooting? Perhaps there was so much pressure put on those two boys to be in the "in crowd" that one day they just couldn't take it anymore. A small element in all of this is the dress code. How sad is this? There is a shooting at least every year in a school, and administrators and teachers are worried about whether our shorts are too short. The office complains of girls wearing shorts that are too short when there are rather larger girls running around with an extra layer of skin.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ethnic differences essay Essay

?Asses the claim that â€Å"ethnic differences in educational achievement are primarily the result of school factors† Most studies found that overall ethnic minorities tend to do less well than other members of the population when it comes to educational achievement. Many factors which occur inside the school are the cause of educational achievement however other factors contribute. The expectations of teachers on ethnic minorities have caused differences in educational achievement. Bernard Coard believes that teachers expect â€Å"Black† children to fail therefore labelling the child as a failure. Interactionalists are concerned with how teachers â€Å"pigeonhole† students this is the labelling theory, this is where the teacher makes a judgement of the child based on the child’s appearance, behaviour, previous family members and relationships with other students. However most labels are based on stereotypes rather than evidence, the reality is that once a label starts it is difficult to get rid of and this can cause problems for a student’s educational achievement. Teachers will discuss the students label in the staff room and other teachers will attach the same label to the child and this can lead to the child not being allowed to attend school trips. If a student is labelled as a failure by a teacher then the teacher is likely to put the student into a lower tier exam thus the pupil can only achieve a maximum of a grade C and can’t achieve to the best of their ability. When a student is labelled as a failure the student can begin to believe that the label is true and begin to make it part of their part of their identity, become a failure this is known as the self-fulfilling prophecy thus creating ethnic differences in educational achievement within the school system. David Hardgreves argues that anti school sub cultures can be formed as a result of negative labelling. However Maureen Stone and Swann both indicate that those who are labelled may not accept their labels. However many sociologists argue that it is external factors that affect ethnic differences in educational achievement. Cultural Deprivation is the term used to describe serious inadequacies in the socialisation process and its effects on educational achievement. Poor parenting means children underachieving in education. Many sociologists argue that ethnic minorities tend to be more fatalistic meaning that parents tend to have low aspirations and expectations for their child meaning less emphasis is placed on doing well in education. Whereas â€Å"White† middle classes would have high aspirations and high expectations. Socialisation focuses on the values, expectations and norms transmitted from parents to children. Children from Ethnic backgrounds tend to focus on immediate gratification where they try to reep their rewards at the earliest opportunity such as leaving school at 16 to earn money. Whereas â€Å"White† middle class children aim for a bright future described as deferred gratification which is putting off short term rewards to gain better rewards in the future. Cultural Deprivation can affect the way parents prepare their children for school. Working class children would sit and watch T. V. whereas middle class parents would take their children to museums. Driver and Ballard state that high achievement in Asian groups may be linked to the fact that they live in close knit families that can help each other. Price highlighted a high rate of single parent families in black Caribbean communities which may explain high underachievement. Nevertheless, some sociologists argue that it is internal factors which affect ethnic differences in educational achievement. Institutional Racism within schools can lead to educational achievement and the differences it causes within ethnic minorities. The â€Å"Swann report† found that a small number of teachers are consciously racist however there are a great deal of teachers who are â€Å"unintentionally† racist. Bernard Coard states that the British educational system makes children become educationally subnormal he states that â€Å"West Indian children are told that their language is second rate and unacceptable† he states that within the British educational system the word â€Å"White† is associated with â€Å"good† and the word â€Å"Black† with evil. Coard also states that the attitudes portrayed in the classroom are reinforced by the pupils outside of the classroom. Many sociologists would also argue that the mispronunciation of student’s names and not learning them can be classed as racism within the school system. Cecile Wright found that majority of staff are committed to ideals of equality but despite these ideals there are still considerable amounts of discrimination in the classroom. Asian children were often excluded from discussions and teachers expressed an â€Å"open disapproval of their customs and traditions†, these comments from teachers made Asian children feel more isolated from other pupils. Martin Hammersley found that racist comments in the staffroom did not lead to racism in the classroom. J. Taylor found that â€Å"most teachers are concerned to have a fair policy towards the treatment of black pupils†. Mac an Ghaill studied 25 afro Caribbean and Asian students studying A levels. He found that â€Å"although they disagreed over the extent of racism within education, this did not directly determine their attitude to education and their levels of academic success. The way that students responded to schooling varied and this was influenced by their ethnic group†. This could eventually lead to the formation of anti-school sub cultures. These are pupils who have rejected some or all of the values and rules set down in the school ethos. Peter Woods identified 8 different groups ranging from Ingratiation total conformity to Rebellion outright rejection of school rules and values. This can cause ethnic differences in educational achievement within the school system. However other factors such as linguistic skills affect this achievement. Linguistic Deprivation is the ability to use appropriate language which is an important factor in educational success. Bernstein came up with two codes of language Restricted and Elaborate codes. The Restricted code is used in casual situations. This is limited vocabulary and Simplistic grammar which can only be understood if you are aware of this topic. The Elaborate code is used in formal situations. This is sophisticated grammar and vocabulary and can be understood if aware of the topic. Bernstein found that White middle class children had the ability to switch between the two codes whereas children from ethnic minorities were limited to using the restricted code. This means they are severely disadvantaged in education where the language is all formal. In conclusion, it is probable that a number of factors work together in producing the lower levels of achievement found in some ethnic groups. The Swann report concluded that racial discrimination inside and outside school along with social deprivation were probably the main factors. Others would add that cultural factors also play some part in explaining the differences.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Privacy vs. National Security Essay

The scope and nature of the problem is that after September 11, 2001 the government has enhanced its surveillance procedure to a frightening level. With one policy, â€Å"The USA Patriot Act-2001,† the US government has effectively turned the United States of America into a police state. This policy gives the government run agencies the right to spy on its citizens. Agents can gather information by physically watching, or by other covert means such as wire taps. It is no longer a specific phone line but on individuals. It allows service providers to disclose information and protects them from court action when the do. It permits a delay in warrant notification, giving agents the ability to search before they have a warrant in hand. This policy gives the government the right to accuse, intimidate, and imprison its citizens of terrorism, and ignore the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was created to protect the people from various injustices that the government could commit. The amendments that are affected the most are the 1st, 4th, and the 6th. (Asian Tribune,[Hallstavik],June 5,2012, US Patriot Act has denied Americans their freedom) Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and petition the government for a redress of grievances.(Hamilton, A.,1775, The Bill of Rights) The Patriot Act gives the government the freedom to monitor religious and political institutions without just cause. The government also now has the authority to prosecute any type of record keeper if they reveal that the government has subpoenaed information from them for a terrorism Investigation. (Asian Tribune, [Hallstavik], June 5, 2012, US Patriot Act has denied Americans their freedom) Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause. Supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (Hamilton, A., 1775, Bill of Rights) The Patriot Act of course now gives the US government to do just that. They may search and seize a citizen’s property without probable cause regardless of it pertinence to a terror investigation. (Asian Tribune [Hallstavik], June 5, 2012, US Patriot Act has denied Americans their freedom) Amendment VI: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which d istrict shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed at the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. (Hamilton, A., 1775, Bill of Rights) The Patriot Act has given the government the power to jail US citizens indefinitely without charge or trial, or even to confront the witnesses against them. Once labeled an â€Å"unlawful combatant†, the accused can and have been held without communication and denied their right to an attorney. When they are permitted the attorneys and housed in a federal prison, they lose the right to attorney/client privilege. The government now has the right to monitor those communications as well. (Asian Tribune [Hallstavik], June 5, 2012, US Patriot Act has denied Americans their freedom) Though there is one good point to the policy, which is: providing for victims of terrorism, public officers and their families. That is but a single clause in the policy that is for the people, the rest gives the government an overwhelming and undeniable control over the â€Å"American citizens rights and the means to continue and expand its control. In the summary, The USA Patriot Act: A Sketch, by Charles Doyle, which can be located at; ,a reader can clearly see that what the Bill of Rights gave us the Patriot Act takes away. Reading numerous articles and summaries of the act it is obvious that the American people should be concerned about just how much power the government is gaining, then giving to the military and agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The power the agencies have, have been a problem in the past as well. In 1975 the senate had selected a committee to oversee these agencies, primarily the FBI, which had been declared a vigilante organization. Focusing on suppressing groups from exercising their First Amendment rights, the FBI went with the theory that preventing the growth of a group would protect national security. The Patriot Act has basically nullified this committee, while granting the government agencies free reign. (Hentoff,N., December 17, 2001, Homeland Defense of the Constitution) Since the bombing in Oklahoma City on April 15, 1995, the government has attempted to do more to prevent another terrorist attack, and it began with the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. This in simplest terms takes the right of Habeus away from those convicted of terrorism. To file for Habeas Corpus is to petition for an early release and can be done repeatedly. The attack on the Twin Towers on 9-11 unfortunately has shaken the countries defense structure to it’s very core allowing for some rather irrational and extreme actions to be taken. Such as the US Patriot Act, this act was adopted as a sunset policy (meaning it would expire in four years). This was to enable the individual agencies to adapt and ascertain the effectiveness (Fritscher, L., November. 5, 2007.USA Patriot Act: Pros and Cons). This policy, which to congress an unprecedented 43 days to sign into law, was essentially formed to treamline communications between the agencies to provide easier means of investigation and surveillance. Other policies that are not so widely impacted have been passed as well. Policies such as, the National Defense Authorization Act, supplying these agencies the funding to continue. Preliminary research indicates a growing concern the government, and the agencies there of, are gaining too much power, and the aggressive use of this power is progressively eroding the individual American citizens’ privacy and civil liberties. How do the people know that the information gathered by various agencies is not being abused? What assurances can the government give that they won’t be? The security of a nation is a major concern to all Americans, but should there be a limit to what the government can do in the name of National Security. Problems with abuse of privilege have been an issue in the past as well. During the cold war the foreign Intelligence Act was introduced and passed requiring agents to obtain a warrant from a judge before they could intercept private conversations. To gain a warrant government lawyers had to have proof that an individual was a threat. In 2008 this act was revised enabling the procedures to be overlooked. In fact, the law was bypassed by the Bush administration in 2001 after the terrorist attack on 9-11. Individuals and organizations alike are attempting to sue the government in regards to the ongoing surveillance program. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), stated that the, â€Å"people cannot sue unless they can show their calls were monitored.) Alas, the government will not reveal whose messages were intercepted, therefore no proof (Scalliger,C. May 21, 2012). Obviously, the odds are greatly against those who oppose the current policies. Individuals have come forward to attempt to inform the public of the actions of the government but to no avail. In 2007 an ex NSA employee reported that a program, codenamed Stellar Wind was already underway. Gathering information on millions of American citizens, the NSA gained access to more than 2.8 trillion billing records of domestic and international calls. All, without a warrant. At a later date Verizon joined the program multiplying the call rate five times over. Not only is the NSA and other agencies compiling dossiers on US citizens in these massive data bases, they also currently have the ability to eavesdrop in real-time. US citizens overseas are routinely intercepted when calling home to the states. No reason or warrant required (Hentoff, N., October 6, 2011). The reality is that unwarranted wiretaps are only the beginning. Other forms of spying on the average citizen are already being used. The Fourth Amendment was written to protect our rights to privacy, yet our own government officials a sidestepping these laws. Though the word privacy never actually appears in the Constitution, it would be difficult to say the fact that something of the meaning of the word has long been established in legal traditions. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word private as secluded from sight, presence or intrusion of others, to be confined to one person; personal (Mitrano, T., May 2012). A primary responsibility of the United States government is to protect the citizens and its resources against the threat of terrorism, and Americans appreciate the security they have, and at times have sacrificed liberties to protect it (Walker, B. and Rsachke, G., nd). But, in spite of the measures taken to protect its people the government is also harming their basic fundamental rights that this country has always been known for. So are the citizens of the United States to give up democracy for a governmental dictatorship for the sake of this safety. What’s in store for the next generation? References Asian Tribune [Hallstavik], (June 5, 2012), US Patriot Act has denied Americans their freedom, Retrieved from, Doyle, C., (April 19, 2008), Patriot Act: â€Å"A Sketch, Retrieved from, Hamilton, A., (1775), Bill of Rights. Retrieved from, Hentoff, N., (December 17, 2001), Homeland Defense of the Constitution, The Washington Times, Retrieved from, Hentoff, N., (October 6, 2011), Lack of Privacy, becoming normal? The Fort Morgan Times, Retrieved from, Mitrano, T., (December 2008), Civil Privacy and National Security Legislation: A Three- Dimensional View, Retrieved from national-security-legislation-three.htm Scalliger, C. (May 21, 2012), Knowing every bit about you. The New American issue 28, p. 10-16, Retrieved from, Walker, B. & Raschke, G., (nd) Right to Privacy vs. National Security, National Security for the 21st Century, Retrieved from,

Friday, November 8, 2019

Where in the Country Should You Go to College

Where in the Country Should You Go to College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the biggest decisions you’ll make in the process of choosing a college is where in the country you’d like to be. There are some ways that location can impact your college experience and other ways that it can be irrelevant. I’ll give you an overview of why or why not location might matter to you and how you can make an informed choice about where to go! Why Might It Matter Where in the Country You Go to College? There are a few reasons why where your college is located might impact your experiences.Here are some things to consider. Your LocationWill Affect How Frequently You Can Visit Home If you choose to go to college in a part of the country that’s far from your hometown, you won’t be able to visit your parents and high school friends as often.You might have to spend some holidays apart from your family because of the costs and logistics of travel. If you go to college near where you live, you will probably be able to visit home and see your family very frequently.This can have its drawbacks if your parents are especially overbearing or you end up neglecting your social life at college and going home every weekend instead. Different Areas Are Better for Different Types of Career Opportunities If, for example, you want to go into the performing arts, it might be advantageous for you to be in a place like New York City for college.If you’re interested in computer science and the startup scene, you might fit better in the Bay Area in California. If you're interested in healthcare, you could consider going to school in a state like Massachusetts where there are many excellent hospitals. Certainareas of the country are known for their specialization in specific industries, so they might be better or worse places for you in terms of jobs andinternships. If you're already thinking about this in high school, it's officially time to mourn for your childhood. Cost of Living May Be Lower or Higher in Different Areas of the Country In general, it’s more expensive to live in coastal states, particularly in large cities.If you want to rent an apartment at some point in college, you’ll have a much easier time affording it in a Midwestern state than you willin New York City. Cities overall can end up costing you more money because of the price of going out to events and the temptation to eat off-campus all the time.New York City, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. lead the pack in term of the most expensive major US cities based on average rent and other costs of living. The Weather in Different Areas of the Country Varies Significantly This is a no-brainer, but it’s something to consider.In New England, you’ll experience the four seasons, but it might get extremely cold and unpleasant in the winter.In the South, you won’t have any problems keeping warm, but the heat can be brutal and seasonal changes are minimal.Some people might find that they’re happier in areas where it’s sunny and warm most of the time, and others might be eager to experience their first snowfall in college while sipping a mug of hot chocolate. Stop trying to make winter happen. It's not going to happen. Why Might It NotMatter Where in the Country You Go to College? Although there are some reasons to think about regional location as a factor in your college decision, you should also keep in mind that if the factors listed above aren’t important to you, your experiences won’t suffer based on where you are. You don’t need to be in a specific place to get a solid education. There may be more selective schools in certain areas, but there are at least a couple of schools in every region where the quality of your educational experience will be high.Some of the best schools are in remote areas that you wouldn’t think about, like Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, which is consistently ranked among the top liberal arts colleges in the country. Of course, this all depends on how strict your criteria is for a good school. If you're only interested in the top 20 colleges, most of them are in the northeast or on the west coast. If you expand your definition to include the top 200 colleges, it will be relatively easy to find a school that's up to your standards in any area of the country.Even if you think you’re an â€Å"East Coast† person or a â€Å"Southern† person, you’ll almost certainly meet students you can relate to in any geographical location.Although there may be different cultural norms in different parts of the country, you shouldn’t worry that you won’t find friends if you go somewhere new.At most colleges, there is a niche for every type of student.You might end up finding your best friends in a place you never expected! Much like this cleverly camouflaged owl, you will find your niche. WhereShouldYouGo to College? How Can You Decide? There are many factors that might play into this decision.Again, keep in mind that there is no â€Å"bad† area of the country for you to attend college. Where you are can make a difference in your experience, but it really comes down to personal preference.Here are a few questions you should ask yourself to guide your choices. How Comfortable Are You With Going Far From Home for College? This is probably the most significant question that goes into choosing the location of your college.If you want to visit home frequently, going to college on the other side of the country might be tough for you no matter how great the school is.If you're looking to get as far from home as possible, a school 3,000 miles away might be a better choice for you than a school that’s an hour away from your parents’ house. Going to school farther away from home can mean some tricky logistics in terms of transporting your belongings and organizing trips to see your family.Make sure you’re willing to navigate these issues and won’t be too bummed out if you can’t make it to Thanksgiving. Read this article for more advice on whether you should go to college close to home. Do You Have Any Specific Job Interests That Will Be Better Served in a Certain Area of the Country? As I mentioned, some parts of the country are known to provide the best opportunities in certain industries.If you already have some idea of what you want to study, you should investigate where you might go to be in the best place for internships and jobs in the industry.It’s possible to find opportunities for most job fields almost anywhere, but if you have strong convictions about your career path, it’s a good idea to position yourself strategically. If you’re still undecided in what you want to study, you shouldn’t worry too much about this! If you don't know what you love yet, that's okay. Your brain is still working on transitioning to adulthood. Are You Especially Concerned About the Costs of College? You don’t necessarily have to spend more money on college just because you’re in an expensive coastal city, but it’s likely enough that you should take it under consideration in your college decisions.If you’re hoping to live off campus at some point, you might want to avoid cities with really high rents. Costs tend to also be higher if you choose to go to college far from home but still plan on visiting semi-regularly. Plane tickets and shipping costs for your belongings can add up quickly. These factors may be of more or less importance depending on your financial aid situation and the scholarships colleges give you. Do You Have Any Climate Preferences? Which is worse in your opinion? Being too cold or being too hot?This shouldn’t play a huge role in your decision, but you might use it to guide your college search towards areas that fit better with your preferences.You probably shouldn’t go to school in Maine if you hate snow, and you probably shouldn’t go to school in Florida if you hate it when the air temperature makes you feel like you’re always in a sauna. Seasonal changes are also factors that might come into play.For example, since I grew up in Massachusetts, I have a lot of nostalgia surrounding fall in particular.Many traditions that come with the seasons are tied to changes in the weather that don’t happen in every area of the country. Apple picking and excessive apple consumption are both staples of my autumn experience. Conclusion "Where should I go to college?" is an important question. It may matter where in the country you go to college depending on how strong your preferences are for a certain type of experience.Some factors to consider include distance from home, potential job opportunities, costs of living, and weather patterns. One thing that the location of your college will not determine is the quality of your education. If you don’t feel very strongly about any of the factors listed, you shouldn’t worry too much about regional variation.As long as you love the school itself, you will have a great time in college no matter where you are! What's Next? Are you worried about the college application process? Take a look at my infographic showing the steps you'll need to take junior and senior year in order to successfully apply to college. How can you find a college that's the right fit for you? Read this guide to researching colleges to find out. College ranking lists have a strong hold on our perceptionsof the quality of different schools. Learn more about whether you should trust these lists when conducting your college research. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Chemical Composition of White Gold

The Chemical Composition of White Gold White gold is a popular alternative to yellow gold, silver, or platinum. Some people prefer the silver color of white gold to the yellow color of normal gold, yet may find silver to be too soft or too easily tarnished or the cost of platinum to be prohibitive. While white gold contains varying amounts of gold, which is always yellow, it also contains one or more white metals to lighten its color and add strength and durability. The most common white metals that form the white gold alloy are nickel, palladium, platinum, and manganese. Sometimes copper, zinc or silver are added. However, copper and silver form undesirable colored oxides in the air or on the skin, so other metals are preferable. The purity of white gold is expressed in karats, the same as with yellow gold. The gold content is typically stamped into the metal (e.g., 10K, 18K). The Color of White Gold The properties of white gold, including its color, depend on its composition. Although most people think white gold is a shiny white metal, that color is actually from the rhodium metal plating that is applied to all white gold jewelry. Without the rhodium coating, white gold might be gray, dull brown, or even pale pink. Another coating that may be applied is a platinum alloy. Typically platinum is alloyed with iridium, ruthenium, or cobalt to increase its hardness. Platinum is naturally white. However, its more expensive than gold, so it may be electroplated onto a white gold ring to improve its appearance without dramatically increasing the price. White gold that contains a high percentage of nickel tends to be closest to a true white color. It has a faint ivory tone but is much whiter than pure gold.  Nickel white gold often does not require plating with rhodium for color, although the coating may be applied to reduce the incidence of skin reactions. Palladium white gold is another strong alloy that may be used without a coating. Palladium white gold has a faint gray tinge. Other gold alloys result in additional colors of gold, including red or rose, blue, and green. Allergies to White Gold White gold jewelry typically is made from a gold-palladium-silver alloy or gold-nickel-copper-zinc alloy. However, about one in eight people experience a reaction to the nickel-containing alloy, usually in the form of a skin rash. Most European jewelry manufacturers and some American jewelry manufacturers avoid nickel white gold since alloys made without nickel are less allergenic. The nickel alloy is most often encountered in older white gold jewelry and in some rings and pins, where the nickel produces a white gold that is strong enough to stand up to the wear and tear these pieces of jewelry experience. Maintaining the Plating on White Gold White gold jewelry that has a platinum or rhodium plating typically cant be resized because doing so would damage the coating. The plating on jewelry will scratch and wear over time. A jeweler can re-plate the item by removing any stones, buffing the metal, plating it, and returning the stones to their settings. Rhodium plating typically needs to be replaced every couple of years. It only takes a couple of hours to perform the process, at a cost of around $50 to $150.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Problem solving questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Problem solving questions - Essay Example It includes also an incorporated limited partnership. Once a partnership is formed, every partner becomes the agent of the firm and other partners in relation to the business of the firm. Thus, every act of partner for the purpose of business except in the case of incorporated limited partnership shall bind the firm and other partners provided the partner acts within his authority to act for the firm in specific cases and the person whom the partner is dealing with believes him to be the partner having authority. In other words, if the person dealt with by the partner knows that the partner has no authority, his acts cannot bind the firm nor other partners. The same holds good in respect of a general partner vis-a-vis the firm and other general partners. Section 13 (1) of the Act lays down that all partners except in the case of an incorporated limited partnership are liable jointly and severally for the liabilities of the firm that have risen whilst being partners. S 13 (2) if the p artner who is an individual dies, his/her estate is severally liable for the liabilities of the firm after satisfaction of his/her separate debts. Same holds good in case of incorporated limited partnership for a deceased general partner. The general partner of an incorporated limited partnership is liable only in respect of unsatisfied liabilities of the firm or more as per the partnership agreement. ... As the partnership business is in common, the partners should disclose material facts that affect their partnership failing which it would amount to misrepresentation on the part of those who fail to do so. Further, a retiring partner can by a condition of restraint of trade be prohibited to start a competing business within the locality for a pre-determined period. Further, a partnership contract cannot be assigned (Gilles, 1988). Application In view of the above important provisions governing partnership business, Jody whose capital will be at stake must have the partnership agreement reduced to writing. And Jody must be entitled to a proportionately higher share of profit and reserve to herself the right to take important decisions in day to day management. This does not mean the other partners are not liable to loss that may occur due to Jody’s decision making. Conclusion Jody can enter into partnership with Mike and Sarah keeping in view of the limited capital or no capit al Mike and Sara may bring in and also have an agreement in restraint of trade on the retiring partners including Jody herself. Consequences The proposal to enter into partnership agreement among Jody, Mike and Sarah will be viable subject to the above conditions therein. 2. Tort- negligent misstatement Issues: Whether Amy can sue Betty for her wrong advice tendered to Amy as a result of negligent misstatement? Law and cases: In order to prove negligence on the part of defendant, claimant should satisfy three conditions. That defendant had a duty of care to the claimant; this was breached by the defendant; that the damage caused by the breach of duty was

Friday, November 1, 2019

Instrumentation in Human Bioscience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Instrumentation in Human Bioscience - Essay Example A discussion of the methods reveals that all have their advantages as well as their disadvantages. The Skinfold Caliper is the most widely used method to determine the amount of body fat. It uses a set of mechanical calipers to measure skinfold thickness at key points on the body. The measurements are then referenced to a chart, which infers the percent of body fat. Though the tools are simple, inexpensive, and relatively non-invasive, the procedure requires a high degree of training to obtain reliable results. The typical accuracy of a correctly administered Skinfold measurement is plus or minus 3 percent (Doyle 1998). This is a marked increase over the universal Body Mass Index (BMI), which compares height to weight and results in an accuracy of 5 to 6 percent. (FitnessGram 2003). A more recent addition to the available methods is the use of the Bioelectrical Impedance Analyser (BIA). This instrument operates on the principle that fat retains less water than muscle. The increased percentage of water in muscle makes it a better electrical conductor and by measuring a body's resistance to current flow, we can measure the body's fat content. This non-invasive technique is well suited for a wide range of subjects including elderly and disabled. The measurement is fast, easy to use, and is able to be used with a minimum of training due to a direct electronic readout. The cost is comparable to the Skinfold calipers and the accuracy obtained is similar to the Skinfold method. However, to attain this accuracy care must be taken to void the subject of alcohol, urine and other liquids for up to 48 hours prior to administering the test (Doyle 1998). These variables all have the potential to impact the accuracy negatively. A more recent method to measure body fat is Dual Energy X-ray Absorpitometry (DEXA). DEXA is a low-level x-ray that measures not only muscle and fat, but also uses bone mineral content as a factor in body composition (Doyle 1998). The technique uses a safe level of x-ray radiation, is non-invasive, and the subject requires no preparation. Though DEXA is costly and requires a high degree of training, it's accuracy exceeds both the Skinfold and BIA methods (Doyle 1998). In measuring the potential for good or diseased health one must also consider and analyse the expired air of the subject. Through measurement of the CO2 and O2 components of expired air, calculations can indicate a healthy metabolic function or detect areas of concern with respect to the subject's overall fitness and health (Jacobs, Mintz, and Nash 1999). The method of assessment most commonly used is known as Indirect Calorimetry (Measuring Energy Expenditure). The method involves the collection of expired air over a given time period and the subsequent analysis of the CO2 and O2 components. The method has some variations in the collection apparatus as well as the means used to analyse the gases. The Douglas Bag is a direct method used to collect expired air. It is considered to be clumsy, due to it's 200-litre bag size, and interferes with the subject's activity while under test. Air is sampled for approximately 10 minutes and then the gas is measured in a dry gas analyser (Messer, Pelto, and Pelto 1989). A less bulky apparatus used to collect expired air is the K.M Respirometer. Smaller and more portable than the Douglas bag, it has gained popularity and is a more widely used method. The technique of