Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Night World : Black Dawn Chapter 16

I'msorry. Was I interrupting something?† he said, Maggie had to struggle not to draw in her breath sharply. It was always a little bit of a shock seeing him. And even in a room with Hunter Redfern and thepale and dazzling Sylvia, he stood out. Like a coldwind blowing through the door, he seemed to bringcoiled energy in with him, to slap everyone awakewith the chilly smell of snow. And of course he was gorgeous, too. And not awed by Hunter, Maggie thought. Hefaced his greatgrandfather with those fearless yellow eyes level, and a measuring look on his fineboned face. â€Å"Nothing at all,† Hunter Redfern said amiably.†We were waiting for you. And planningthecelebrations.† â€Å"Celebrations?† â€Å"To honor our agreement. I'm so pleased that we've come to an understanding at last. Aren'tyou?† â€Å"Of course,† Delos said, pulling off his gloveswithout any change in expression. â€Å"When we docome to an understanding, I'll be very pleased.† Maggie had to bite her lip on a snicker. At thatmoment, looking at Hunter's facile smile and Sylvia's pinned-on simper, she had never liked Delos'sdour, cold grimness better. Idiot, she told herself. When did you ever like itat all? The guy's an icicle. But there was something clean and sharp-edgedabout his iciness, and she couldn't help admiring the way he faced Hunter. There was a little aching knot in her chest as she watched himstandingthere, tense and elegant, with his dark hair tousled from riding. Which wasn't to say she wasn't scared. That auraof power Delos carried along with him was veryreal. He had sensed her before, even with Aradiablockingthe signs of her lifeforce. And now here he was, maybe twelve feet away, with only a pieceof linen between them. There was nothing Maggie could do but sit asstillas possible. â€Å"Sylvia has taken the liberty of beginning thepreparations,† Hunter said. â€Å"I hope you don't mind.I think we can work out any little details that areleft before tomorrow, don't you?† Suddenly Delos looked tired. He tossed his gloveson the bed and nodded, conceding a point. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Essentially,† Hunter Redfern said,†we are agreed. This time Delos just nodded without speaking. â€Å"I can't wait to show you off to the world outside,† Hunter said, and this time Maggie thought the note of pride and eagerness in his voice was sincere. â€Å"My great-grandson. And to think that ayear ago I didn't know of your existence.† Hecrossed to slap Delos on the back. It was a gestureso much like the old king's that Maggie's eyeswidened. â€Å"I'm going to make some preparations of myown,† he said. â€Å"I think the last hunt before youleave should be special, don't you?† He was smilingashe left. Delos stared moodily at the fur coverlet. â€Å"Well,† Sylvia said, sounding almost chirpy.†How's the arm?† Delos glanced down at it. He was still wearingthe complicated brace thing Maggie had seen him in yesterday. â€Å"It's allriot.† â€Å"Hurts?† â€Å"A little.† Sylvia sighed and shook her head. â€Å"That's because you used it for practice. I did warn you,you know.† â€Å"Can you make it better or not?† Delos saidbrusquely. Sylvia was already opening the basket. â€Å"I toldyou, it'll take time. But it should improve with each treatment as longas you don't use it.† She was fiddling with the brace, doing thingsthat Maggie couldn't see. And Maggie's heart wasbeating hard with anger and an unreasonableprotectiveness. I can't let her do that to Delosbut how can istop her? There's no way. If she sees me, it's allover†¦ . â€Å"There,† Sylvia said. â€Å"That should hold you fora while.† Maggie ground her teeth. But at least maybe she'll go now, she thought. Itfeels like about a century I've been sitting in herelistening to her. And this stool isn't getting anymore comfortable. â€Å"Now,† Sylvia said briskly, tidying. â€Å"Just let meput your gloves away-â€Å" Oh, no,Maggie thought, horrified. On the shelf beside her was a pile of gloves. â€Å"No,†Delos said, so quickly it was almost anecho. â€Å"I need them.† â€Å"Don't be silly. You're not going out again-â€Å" â€Å"I'll take them.† Delos had wonderful reflexes. Heput himself between Sylvia and the wardrobe, andan instant later he was holding on to the gloves,almost tugging them from her hands. Sylvia looked up at him wonderingly for a longmoment. Maggie could see her face, the creamy skin delicately flushed, and her eyes, the color of r-drenched violets. She could see the shimmerof her pale blondhairas Sylvia shook her head slightly. Delos stared down at her implacably. Then Sylvia shrugged her ft-agile shoulders andletgo of the gloves. â€Å"I'll go see to the feast,† she said lightly andsmiled. She picked up her basket and moved gracefully to the door. Delos watched her go. Maggiesimply sat, speechless and paralyzed.When Delos followed Sylvia and closed the door firmly behind her, she made herself get slowly offthe stool. She backed away from the curtainsslightly, but she could still see a strip of thebedroom. Delos walked unerringly straight to the wardrobe.†You can come out now,† he said, his voice flatand hard. Maggie shut her eyes. Great. Well, I should have known. But he hadn't let Sylvia come in and discoverher, and he hadn't simply turned her over to his guards. Those were very good signs, she told herself stoutly. In fact, maybe she wasn't going to haveto persuade him of anything at all; maybe he wasalready going to be reasonable. â€Å"Or do I have to come in?† Delos said dangerously. Or maybe not, Maggie thought. She felt a sudden idiotic desire to get the dust out of her hair. She shook her head a few times, brushing at it, then gave up. Terribly conscious of her smudged face and slaveclothing, she parted the linen hangings andwalked out. â€Å"I warned you,† Delos said. He was facing her squarely, his jaw set and hismouth as grimas she had ever seen it. His eyeswere hooded, a dull and eerie gold in the shadows.He looked every inch the dark and mysterious vam pire prince. And here I am, Maggie thought. Looking like†¦well, like vermin, I bet. Like something fished outof the gutter. Not much of a representative forhumanity. She had never cared about clothes or hairstylesor things like that, but just now she wished thatshe could at least look presentable. Since the fateof the world might just depend on her. Even so, there was something in the air betweenDelos and herself. A sort of quivering aliveness that quickened the blood in Maggie's veins. That stirredsomething in her chest, and started her heartpounding with an odd mixture of fear and hope. She faced Delos just assquarelyashe was facing her. â€Å"I know some things that I think you need toknow,† she said quietly. He ignored that. â€Å"I told you what would happenif you came here. I told you I wouldn't protectyou again.† â€Å"I remember. But you didprotect me again. AndI thank you-but I really think I'd better tell youwhat's going on. Sylvia is the suspicious type, andif she's gone to Hunter Redfern to say that youdon't want people looking in your closet-â€Å" â€Å"Don't you understand?†he said with such sudden violence that Maggie's throat closed, chokingoff her words. She stared at him. â€Å"You're so closeto dying, but you don't seem to care. Are you toostupid to grasp it, or do you just have a deathwish?† The thumping in Maggie's chest now was definitelyfear. â€Å"I do understand,† she began slowly, when shecould get her voice to work. â€Å"No, you don't, â€Å"he said. `But I'll make you.† All at once his eyes were blazing. Not just theirnormal brilliant yellow, but a dazzling and unnatural gold that seemed to hold its own light. Even though Maggie had seen it before, it wasstill a shock to watch his features change. His face going paler, even more beautiful and clearly defined, chiseled in ice. His pupils widening like a predator's, holding a darkness that a human coulddrown in. And that proud and willful mouth twist ing in anger. It all happened in a second or so. And then hewas advancing on her, with dark fire in his eyes,and his lips pulling back from his teeth. Maggie stared at the fangs, helplessly horrifiedall over again. They were even sharper than she remembered them looking. They indented hislower lip on either side, even with his mouth partly .open. And, yes, they were definitely scary. â€Å"This is what I am,† Delos said, speaking easily around the fangs. â€Å"A hunting animal. Part of a world of darkness that you couldn't survive for aminute in. I've told you over and over to stay awayfrom it, but you won't listen. You turn up in my own castle, and you just won't believe your danger.So now I'm going to show you.† Maggie took a step backward. She wasn't in agood position; the wall was behind her and thehuge bed was on her left. Delos was between her and the door. And she had already seen how fasthis reflexes were. Her legs felt unsteady; her pulse was beating erratically. Her breath was coming fast. He doesn't really mean ithe won't really do it. He isn't serious†¦. But for all her mind's desperate chanting, panicwas beginning to riot inside her. The instincts of forgotten ancestors, long buried, were surfacing.Some ancient part of her remembered being chased by hunting animals, being prey. She backed up until she came in contact with the tapestry-hung wall behind her. And then therewas nowhere else to go. â€Å"Now,† Delos said and closed the distance between them with the grace of a tiger. He was right in front of her. Maggie couldn't helplooking up at him, looking directly into that alienand beautiful face. She could smell a scent like autumn leaves and fresh snow, but she could feel theheat from his body. He's nothing dead or undead, some very distantpart of her mind thought. He's ruthless, he's beenraised to be a weapon, but he's definitely alivemaybe the most alive thing I've ever seen. When he moved, there was nowhere she couldgo to avoid him. His hands closed on her shoulderslike implacable bands of steel. And then he waspulling her forward, not roughly but not gently either, pulling her until her body rested lightlyagainst his. And he was looking down at her withgolden eyes that burned like twin flames. Looking at my throat, Maggie thought. She couldfeel the pulse beating there, and with her chin tiltedup to look at him and her upper body arched away from him, she knew he could see it. His eyes werefixed on it with a different kind of hunger than shehad ever seen in a human face. For just one instant the panic overwhelmed her,flooding up blackly to engulf everything else. Shecouldn't think; she was nothing but a terrified massof instinct, and all she wanted to do was to run,toget away. Then, slowly at first, the panic receded. It simplypoured off her, draining away. She feltasif she were rising from deep water into air clear ascrystal. She looked straight into the golden eyes aboveher and said, â€Å"Go ahead.† She had the pleasure of seeing the golden eyeslook startled. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Go ahead,† Maggie said distinctly. â€Å"It doesn'tmatter. You're stronger than me; we both knowthat. But whatever you do, you can't make me yourprey. You don't have that power. You can't control me.† Delos hissed in fury, a reptilian sound. â€Å"You are â€Å". so â€Å"You wanted me scared; I'm scared. But, then, Iwas scared before. And it doesn't matter. There's something more important than me at stake here.Prove whatever you've got to prove and then I'll tell you about it. â€Å"So completely stupid,† Delos raged. But Maggiehad the odd feeling that his anger was more against himself than her. â€Å"You don't think I'll hurt you,†he said. â€Å"You're wrong there.† â€Å"I willhurt you. I'll show you-â€Å" â€Å"You can kill me,† Maggie said clearly. â€Å"But that'sall you can do. I told you, you can't control me. And you cant change what's between us.† He was very, very angry now. The fathomless pupils of his eyes were like black holes, and Maggie suddenly remembered that he wasn't just a vampire, or just a weapon, but some doomsday creature with powers meant for the end of the world.He hovered over her with his fangs showing. â€Å"I willhurt you,† he said. â€Å"Watch me hurt you.†He bent to her angrily, and she could see his intent in his eyes. He meant to frighten and disillusion †¦ †¦ and he kissed her mouth like raindrops falling on cool water. Maggie clung to him desperately and kissed back. Where they touched they dissolved into each other.Then she felt him tremble in her arms and they were both lost. It was like the first time when their minds had joined. Maggie felt a pulsing thrill that enveloped her entire body. She could feel the pure line ofcommunication open between them, she could feelherself lifted into that wonderful still place whereonly the two of them existed and nothing else mattered. Dimly, she knew that her physical self was fallingforward, that they were both falling, still clasped in each other's arms. But in the hushed place of crystalline beauty where she really was, they werefacing each other in a white light. It was like being inside his mind again, but thistime he was there opposite her, gazing at her directly. He didn't look like a doomsday weapon anymore, or even like a vampire. His black-lashedgolden eyes were large, like a solemn child's. Therewas a terrible wistfulness in his face. He swallowed, and then she heard his mentalvoice. It was just the barest breath of sound. Idon'twant this Yes, you do, she interrupted, indignant. The normal barriers that existed between two people had melted; she knew what he was feeling, and shedidn't like being lied to. -to end,he finished. Oh. Maggie's eyes filled with sudden hot tears. She did what was instinctive to her. She reachedout to him. And then they were embracing in their minds, justastheir physical bodies embraced, andthere was that feeling of invisible wings allaround them. Maggie could catch fragments of his thoughts,not just the surface ones, but things so deep shewasn't sure he even knew he was thinking them. So lonely †¦ always been lonely. Meant to be that way. Always alone †¦ No, you're not,she told him, trying to communicate it to the deepest part of him. Iwon't let you be alone. And wewere meant to be like this; can't you feel it? What she could feel was his powerful longing.But he couldn't be convinced all at once. She heard something like Destiny †¦ And shesaw images of his past. His father. His teachers.The nobles. Even the slaves who had heard theprophecies. They all believed he had only one purpose, and it had to do with the end of the world. You canchange your destiny, she said. Youdon't have to go along with it. I don't know what's going to happen with the world, but you don't have to be what they say. You have the power to fight them! For one heartbeat the image of his father seemed to loom closer, tall and terrible, a father seen through the eyes of childhood. Then the featuresblurred, changing just enough to become HunterRedfern with the same cruel and accusing light in his yellow eyes. And then the picture was swept away by a tidalwave of anger from Delos. I am not a weapon. I know that,Maggie told him. I can choose what I am from now on. I can choose what path to follow. Yes,Maggie said. Delos said simply, Ichoose to go with you. His anger was gone. Just briefly, she got theflicker of another image from him, as she had once before seeing herself through his eyes. He didn't see her as a slave girl with dusty hairand a smudged face and coarse sacking for clothes.He saw her as the girl with autumn-colored hairand endlessly deep sorrel eyes-the kind of eyesthat never wavered, but looked straight into his soul. He saw her as warm and real and vibrant,melting the black ice of his heart and setting him free. And then this image was gone, too, and they weresimply holding on to each other, lapped in peace. They stayed like that for a while, their spiritsflowing in and out of each other. Delos didn't seeminclined to move. And Maggie wanted it to last, too. She wanted tostay here for a long time, exploring all the deepestand most secret places of the mind that was nowopen to her. To touch him in ways he'd never beentouched before, this person who, beyond all logic,was the other half of her. Who belonged to her.Who was her soulmate. But there was something nagging at her consciousness. She couldn't ignore it, and when shefinally allowed herself to look at it, she remembered everything. And she was swept with a wave of alarm sostrong it snapped her right out of Delos's mind. She could feel the shock of separation reverberate in him as she sat up, aware of her own bodyagain. They were still linked enough that ithurther just as it hurt him. But she was too frightenedto care. â€Å"Delos,† she said urgently. â€Å"We've got to do something. There's going to be trouble.† He blinked at her,asif he were coming fromvery far away. â€Å"It will be all right,† he said. â€Å"No. It won't. You don't understand.† He sighed, very nearly his old exasperated snort.†If it's Hunter Redfern you're worried about-â€Å" â€Å"It's him-and Sylvia. Delos, I heard them talkingwhen I was in the wardrobe. You don't know what they've got planned.† â€Å"It doesn't matter what they've got planned. I cantake care of them.† He straightened a little, looked down at his left arm. â€Å"No, you can't,†Maggie said fiercely. â€Å"And that'sthe problem. Sylvia put a spell on you, a bindingspell, she called it. You can't use your power.†

Children and young peoples workforce Essay

Explain the risk and possible consequences for children and young people of being online and using a mobile phone. There are many different types of ricks and possible consequences when children are using the internet, such as cyber bullying, it can make children feel vulnerable, isolated and depressed. Another risk is going on chat rooms, this is a big risk as they get speaking to people that children do not no, they could be lying about their age, or sex, so if a child started speaking to someone who they met online there is a risk that something could happen to the child or young person. Another risk is seeing Inappropriate Material such as seeing the wrong thing for the age, e.g. pornographic, hateful or violent photos. Using a mobile phone can also make you at risk as most mobile phones now have internet. ‘’while this provides opportunities for communication, interaction and entertainment, there are possible risk to children and young people’’ (children and young people’s workforce 2011, p139) protection harm includes doing things of their phone without their parents’ permission such as having contact with strangers, and looking at harmful context, which is not good for the child. Describe ways of reducing rick of children and young people from: social networking, internet use, buying online, using a mobile phone. internet use When children are using the internet there should be filter systems in order so that it can prevent children and young people from looking at inappropriate materials. There also should be procedures in place that if a child or young people do see inappropriate materials so that they can report this. buying online children and young people shouldn’t be given bank cards at a early age, but if they are they should be told about some of the consequences such as identity theft and security issues. To help prevent this you should make sure your virus software works and is up to date, only use retail shops that you trust and that you know are real websites and make sure that you have a strong password. using a mobile phone. To help prevent consequences using a mobile phone you should phone an operator up so that they can put an internet filter on their phones so it won’t allow them to look at anything inappropriate if they are under 18, make sure they you register their phone and make sure you give them the right age.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Child Development – Case Study

Child Development – Case studies Mrs Roberts is returning to work after maternity leave. Today she has an appointment with a local nursery as she requires full time care for Timothy who is six months old. Mrs Roberts is extremely anxious as Timothy is her first born and she is feeling guilty about returning to work and leaving him in childcare. How will you ensure that Mrs Roberts and timothy are reassured? Explain the daily nursery routines to Mrs Roberts such as play sessions, toilet, and food. Give her the Policy & Procedures booklet and ask questions about Timothy – likes, dislikes, special requirements. Be reassuring and understanding with regard to her apprehensions and explain that good communication between the nursery, parents and child are essential. Maybe suggest that she could stay for a while in the first few sessions to reassure her about how Timothy is handling the transition. How could their situation affect practice? You must be wary of the other children at the nursery – how may they react to a parent staying? Set a length of time that she could stay and suggest for only 3 sessions initially. All Staff must be made aware of the situation and confidentiality be adhered to. Today is Bethany’s first day at pre-school. Bethany who is an only child has attended for short spells with her mother which went well. Bethany has woke up this morning with a tummy ache, her mother suspects it is related to going to pre- school and reassures her daughter. When Bethany arrives at pre- school she becomes very clingy to mum and when mum goes to leave she starts to cry and gets upset. How will you deal with the situation? Reassure mum and Bethany. Be friendly and engage the child in funny conversation and/or involve them in play. Identify her favourite thing to do – distraction point. How will you reassure mum? Explain to mum that ‘Bethany will be fine’ and if there are any problems they will contact her. How will you reassure Bethany? Explain that ‘She will see mummy later’, show her the clock/time line and show when mummy will be back. Introduce her to some other children – meet a friend and distract with play, keep her busy. Rosie and Jim are 4 year old twins today they will be staring primary school, the twins will be doing mornings for a week before going all day, their parents have decided to split the twins at school so that they can develop as individuals. The twins wake up very excited about going to school which pleases their parents, however when they arrive at school they become agitated and upset when they realise that they are in different classes. How are you going to reassure the twins? Explain to them the day’s routine and show them a time line, pointing out when the twins will be together – break times, story time, end of day. Encourage them to meet new people and play with different things. How are you going to reassure the parents? Explain to them the day’s routine and tell them when the twins will be together – break times etc. Ensure that the parents are given positive feedback. What contingency plan could you have in place? Ensure that the twins will be together at least once a day. Show both twins where the other one is – classroom. Put a ‘buddy’ with them both – so they always have someone. Worst case – put them in the same class! by Jo Quinn

Monday, July 29, 2019

Millwood Affair Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Millwood Affair - Essay Example Clause f of the policy does state that "any employee not following the foregoing procedures will be subject to disciplinary action ranging from suspension to termination." Besides, he has endangered public safety. Furthermore, some hardliners felt that an exception to policy would create a dangerous precedent and send employees the wrong message. On the other hand, other committee members were of the opinion that given the extensive praise that Millwood had received in the media, disciplinary action would damage the credit union's reputation within the community. The decision that the union needs to make is if any action is to be taken against Matt. And if action is to be taken, what is the appropriate action The final solution will be one that is within the bounds of the law, will not set a dangerous precedent for other employees, and preserve the union's reputation within the community. The first solution-take no action against Matt-will preserve the union's reputation within the community. However, it would set a dangerous precedent and send the wrong message to employees that the union condones violation of company policies. The last solution-terminate or dismiss Matt-is in accordance with company policy. But the union's reputation is at stake. Though at stake, it is not against the law to terminate Matt. Matt might have violated his duty of diligence, that requires an employee to act "with reasonable care and skill" in the course of performing work for the employer (Bogardus, 2004). But whether he has acted "with reasonable care and skill" or not is up the court to decide, since he is a Golden Hawk linebacker. However, he has definitely violated the duty of obedience, which requires employees to act within the authority granted by the employer and to follow the employer's reasonable and legal policies, procedures, and rules (Bogardus, 2004). A more middle-of-the -road solution is to take disciplinary action against Matt by issuing him with a letter of warning. RECOMMENDATION The second, middle-of-the-road solution of issuing Matt with a letter of warning is recommended. After all, Matt has followed the company's policy from clause a through to clause d, which are the main clauses that govern the safety of the employees and customers. Termination or dismissal would be too heavy a punishment. However, employees should be sent the correct message. Moreover, Matt did endanger public safety. The shots fired by the robber narrowly missed a young mother and her daughter. Hence, mild disciplinary action has to be taken. IMPLEMENTATION The Director of Human Resources will issue Matt a warning letter after the approval of this report by the Executive Committee. REFERENCES Bogardus, A.M. (2004). PHR/SPHR: Professional in human resources certification study guide. San Francisco:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 46

Assignment - Essay Example This is called differentiation. Marketing lets business leadership find a valuable or innovative feature of a product or service and then promote to customers why this product should be purchased over similar competitor products. Marketing is also about cost controls using different metrics to measure whether a promotional campaign is meeting with success. For example, it might be discovered through market research that making a product costs the organization far too much with the operations budget. This would have an impact on the price to customers so that the company does not lose money in production. Marketing activity lets a business see all of its expenses and make changes to build a more productive manufacturing system. Controls in business strategy are very important to be successful and discover if the business can be more effective. The question as to whether or not marketers should continue to market cigarettes is an ethical issue. If there is consumer demand for the product and it is considered a legal substance, there really is no reason why marketers cannot continue to promote the product. Consumer safety is a big issue in marketing and general business, but in the case of cigarettes, it is consumers that are responsible to make decisions that are good for their health status. Governments and many different special interest groups have provided society with scientific knowledge about the dangers of cigarettes. There are likely few people in the world today, both young and old, that are unaware that cigarettes cause cancer and other serious illnesses and health problems. If consumers continue to buy the product, it is not likely because of tobacco company promotions, but because they enjoy consuming the product. Ethics differ from culture to culture so there is no one universal set of beliefs and values that should be forced on cigarette marketers. Then the answer is yes,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

4.The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Sect 142) specifies the purposes of Essay

4.The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Sect 142) specifies the purposes of sentencing. Discuss the extent to which prison sentences can fulfil these purposes - Essay Example Lack of sentence implementation or lesser sentences being given leads to an increased crime rate. Even in the United States of America reforms are being considered at every level for the implementation of sentences and to make them consistent9. Steven Levitt10 found that the states that sent fewer criminals to jail had a higher rate of crime as compared to the states that had a higher prison population11. The fear of having a sentence implemented can lead to a falling crime rate. Many Reform advocates also imply that the crimes and criminals can only be controlled by implementation of severe and longer sentences12. General Edward Levi also considered the inability to prison many criminals, the reason behind rising crime rates in America13. Not only judicial entities but also public in the United States of America are of the mind that the judiciary should adopt a tougher approach towards criminals, as only this can be now seen as an appropriate solution to the problem. A study revealed that prison growth rate is directly co related to decreased crime rates14. In the 1980’s mandatory sentences were implemented in the USA. As a result the 90’s saw a decrease in burglary by 50%, robbery rate fell by one third, and rate of car theft also dropped15. Sentence implementation also leads to building public confidence in the judiciary and the government. A feeling of being looked after prevails. When the government appears to be tackling offenders and crime with a tough stance, it leads to an increased sense of public safety16. Increased prison sentencing lead 75% of Americans reporting they felt safe17. Stephen Levitt and Daniel Kessler18 looked into the effects of the implementation of California’s Proposition 8. The legislation had really tough counter crime sentences. It allocated decades of imprisonment to the recurrent offenders. The passing of the law lead to an 8% decrease in the

Friday, July 26, 2019

BRAND MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

BRAND MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH - Essay Example We recommend Walmart to continue building its brand image not with just customer perspective but from employee and ethical perspectives as well. With its unique positioning it should continue to expand with market penetration and market expansion. Development and projection of its own brand Great Value will also help in increasing its brand value and trust of the customers and will help in maintain its positioning as low price provider by eliminating the margin of the manufacturers. Walmart is a strong brand and can even become stronger by following these strategies. 11 References 12 Introduction In this highly competitive globalized world, markets are flooded with plethora of products and services of various brands. Consumers are literally spoilt with choice. In such an environment the importance of brands has increased manifold both for the consumers and the organizations. Brand management is vital from many aspects for any organization but the most important role is providing the differentiation to the brand from competitors and other products. Brands are part of the company’s intellectual property. ... The company through its brand, make it clear what they promise and deliver to the customer based upon their vision and strategy for the future of the business and the product. It is very important for the company to have a clear understanding of the expectations of the customers and living up to those expectations. The aim of brand management is to build a healthy relationship between the customer and the company through their brand. Brand management is extremely important for the companies. Brand image can be the determining factor between success and failure of a company (Riezebos et al 2003) Today corporations spend millions on brand establishment and maintenance due to the increased importance of branding. Researchers have tried to identify the scope, domain and potential of branding. It has resulted in many different frame works, theories and concepts. Although there are mainly seven different approaches of branding but the brand strategy should be customized to meet the specifi c challenges and opportunities specific to a brand at a specific point of time. One approach of branding is economic approach where brand is part of the traditional marketing mix. The identity approach links brand with corporate identity. Consumer based approach gives prime importance to customer satisfaction and customer associations. Personality approach treats brand as a human like character. The relational approach treats brand as a viable relationship partner. The community approach treats brand as a vital point of social interaction, whereas brand is treated as part of the broader cultural picture in the cultural approach (Heding et al. 2009) Whatever approach the companies utilize for the establishment and maintenance of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Segmentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Segmentation - Essay Example Despite this, there are no restaurants in Victoria, BC that serve Saudi Food. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the marketability of opening a Saudi restaurant in Victoria BC by focusing on three potential market segments for this business venture. Three market segments will be analyzed which include Single Saudi students in Victoria, Married Saudi students in Victoria and Muslim non-Saudi. These will be analyzed based on demographic, psychographic, behavioral attributes. Evaluation of the profitability of the restaurant will be based on the analysis and finally recommendations would be offered for the business. The segment consists of Saudi students including both genders male and female. According to Saudi club in Victoria â€Å"Victoria now has more than 860 Saudi students male and female are divided among between University of Victoria, Royal Roads University, and Camosun College as well as other English institutions in the city; 67 per cent of the students are single and the rest are married† (N. Daheher, Personal Communication, 12 February, 2013). This means 576 are singles. The percent of single Saudi females in Victoria are 17% of 576 (98 females). The percent of single Saudi males in Victoria are 83 of 576 (478 males). These students usually lead a very busy lifestyle. They are involved in a myriad of activities which apart from taking classes includes homework, taking English Language classes and also socializing. Saudi students, especially men, come from a culture where they have little experience of household chores including cooking. Also their busy schedule in Canada does not allow them to take out the time to cook food. While they consume mostly Western fast food, they are still nostalgic about their Saudi food which is quite different from the food that is available in Victoria BC. As mentioned before, there are more than 860 Saudi male and female students; of these 23 percent are married. The married are further divided into male

Globalization and International Relations Essay

Globalization and International Relations - Essay Example However, since globalization, the global economic environment has undergone tremendous changes. According to Devetak and Hughes (2008, p. 34), globalization connects nations through a global network, and it assists a nation to get access to foreign markets and customers. Since the nations got ranges of benefits from globalization, governments adopted a liberal approach towards international trade. As Slaughter & Swagel (1997) point out, the removal of trade barriers promote import and export activities by which a government acquires foreign investments (IMF). In order to take advantages of liberal international trade laws, a number of corporate global giants spread their business across the globe; this practice greatly promoted international relations. For instance, Starbucks Coffee Company transplanted its business operation from the United States to China. The improving unemployment rates in third world countries can also be clearly referred to the fruitful effect of the globalizat ion. The global interconnectedness helped these nations to attract more and more investors to complete their capital accumulation process successfully. In addition, multinational companies started their production activities in developing and underdeveloped countries and this practice created ranges of employment opportunities in those countries. Globalization has also intensified the immigration processes. Even though the ultimate cause of immigration is not globalization, this concept has considerably increased the number of immigrants (‘Migration and globalization’). Before the 21st century, traveling from one’s home country to a foreign destination was expensive and time consuming. In addition, inter-communication between countries was... This essay approves that the productive elements of globalization contributed to the development of a new technological era that restructured the living standards and business concepts of the modern world. The increased application of technology in productive activities also augmented the volume of production. It was necessary to employ more and more workers in order to efficiently operate machineries and other technical systems. This situation also created wide ranges of job opportunities for skilled individuals. Similarly, even technologically underdeveloped nations got access to improved technologies as a result of globalization and this situation in turn improved international cooperation. The explosive growth of information technology (IT) is one of the major outcomes of globalization and industrial revolution. Globalization has also intensified the immigration processes. Even though the ultimate cause of immigration is not globalization, this concept has considerably increased the number of immigrants. This report makes a conclusion that globalization has greatly added value to international relations as this concept facilitates international trade transactions. Increase in export and import trade encourages nations to function cooperatively. The globalization also amplified immigration by which nations could resolve their staffing shortage issues. Moreover, developments in IT sector have greatly restructured the ways nations communicate today.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Should individuals have the right to end their lives by means of Essay

Should individuals have the right to end their lives by means of euthanasia (physician-assisted suicide) - Essay Example Some patients believe that they have their â€Å"constitutional right† (Goldman & Schafer, 2011, p.7) to make a decision about their life and opting for a more dignified death. Forman (2008, p.7) writes that the concept of assisted suicide is common to euthanasia which literally means good death. There is a thought that such a practice is a blessing for those who are suffering from endless pain that cannot be lessened even with the use of medicine or years of treatment. Panzer (2000, par.8) states that, â€Å"One method of hastening death used by physicians, nurses and even family members is to administer overly high dosages of narcotics, sedatives or antidepressants when the patient has no need for them.† Lethal injections are also used to hasten death. High doses of morphine are also given. Hence, the primary aim is never to kill and to get relieved ourselves, but to help the patient to die an easy death and relieve him of his pain. Moreover, individual’s consent matters the most (Behuniak & Svenson, 2003, p.11). Otherwise, obviously, it becomes a murder. After all, it is he who is suffering from all the pain and distress. It is a very hard task to decide whether or not to take a patient’s life deliberately. Consider a patient with a deadly disease or cruel debility which has made his life so unbearable and so troublesome with pain that pleasing, significant, focused survival has ceased to exist. If such a patient says, â€Å"I am unable to bear this pain. This is becoming intolerable for me and I no longer want to become a burden on my family. Please relieve me of this torment.† After considering all alternatives, it would be wise for the physician to respect and honor his choice of dignified death. The role of the physician is to do what is in the best interest of the patient (Orfali, 2011); and sometimes, it becomes better for the patient to die instead of living in torment and despair w hen there is no chance

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Europe in the Renaissance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Europe in the Renaissance - Essay Example A major theme of Renaissance in England was a transition from purely religious ways of life (even in architecture and art) to a more secular mode of living, which included a shift from the way people idealised various things and concepts to a different outlook. The Church was no longer being considered a source of instruction in political, religious, social and individual matters. Rather, dissolution of power was taking place while the Church remained a religious identity while the power to deal with matters of law and government were vested with the (oft secular) political government. Hence, while there was a less opportunity to progress and open up to different varied disciplines while the Church was in power, people could focus on the development of culture and art during and after the Renaissance period. This is the reason why much emphasis is paid and research effort given to the cultural and art development during this period and there is much less focus on the political change . There was also an element of foreign ideas’ mixture into the concepts and ideas that were gaining popularity in England which eventually gave rise to a whole Renaissance theme containing a blend of traditional and modern ideas (The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia). â€Å"I call it our English Renaissance as it is certainly a type of new beginning of the character of man, like the great Italian Renaissance of the 1500s, in its wish for a more affable and comely approach of life, its obsession for physical beauty, its elite notice to shape, its seeking for new subjects for poetry, new intellectual, new forms of art, and imaginative enjoyments: and I call it our romantic association since it is our most current appearance of beauty. We describe it as a mere restoration of Greek modes of thinking, and again as a mere recovery of mediaeval feeling. Rather I would say that to these forms of the human spirit it has added anything of artistic value the complexity and density

Monday, July 22, 2019

Example Proposal Essay Example for Free

Example Proposal Essay I have heard that Batangas City Council will be having a Scout Jamboree in the celebration of Scouting Month. In relation to this I would like to bring it to your notice that our Philip’s Sanctuary is an eco-recreation farm, perfect for team building activities, picnics, retreats, company outings, school field trips, parties and more! We have alternative forms of outdoor activities that stimulate the mind, body and spirit amidst a landscape of natural and man-made resources. Activities include team building games, orienteering, wall climbing, mountain trekking, outdoor skills training, outdoor cooking and jungle survival. It is home to nature lovers, and of adventure sports enthusiasts such as mountain bikers, hikers, trekkers, campers, mountaineers, and many more. Phillip’s Sanctuary boasts of obstacle courses that include the high ropes course, low ropes course, zip lines, hanging bridge, mud crawl, wall climbing, tight rope walk, river log balance, tarzan jump and many more. As a background Boy Scout of the Philippines vision of becoming the â€Å"leading provider of progressive outdoor based non-formal education for young Filipino males with the view of developing them to be morally straight, disciplined, concerned, self-reliant citizens in the best tradition of world scouting†, the BSP has set out to instill in Scouts and Scouters love of God, country, and fellowmen, prepare the youth for responsible leadership, and contribute to nation-building, according to the ideals, principles, and programs of Scouting. The BSP has promoted the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, trained them in Scout craft, and taught them patriotism, courage, self-reliance. Participation in Boy Scouting means enjoying a lot of things together with other scouts. Scouting provides great adventure in outdoor learning. It designs activities that bring about the development of skills that will turn boys into dependable and self-reliant men. Lord Baden Powell, the founder of scouting said that â€Å"a scout is one who thoroughly trains himself in scout craft and places that training at the disposal of the community for public service.† The badges they wear are symbols, which say that they will continue to build and to keep friendship, give happiness to others with their daily good deeds, and live the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law. Scouts grow up to be upright and respectable citizens of the community and of the country. Philip Sanctuary can include facilitator in the package or you may bring your own facilitator. Attached in this letter are the package rates; day rates and the overnight rates. DAY RATES Day Package A: Day Tour no meals – P550.00/pax * Entrance fees and use of all common areas including swimming pool * Use of teambuilding facilities * Use of rafting/boating lagoon * Use of team challenge/low ropes course/obstacle course, hanging bridge * Use of all trails for biking, hiking, trekking * Day activity program * Facilitator’s Fee Day Package B: Day Tour with plated lunch and 2 snacks – P800.00/pax * All of package A inclusions plus plated lunch, AM Snack and PM Snack Day Package C: Day Tour with buffet lunch and 2 snacks – P950.00/pax * All of package A inclusions plus buffet lunch, AM Snack and PM Snack OVERNIGHT RATES Overnight Package A: Overnight Stay only – P800.00/pax * Entrance fees and use of all common areas including swimming pool * Overnight accommodations (dormitory style, no aircon) * Use of teambuilding facilities * Use of rafting/boating lagoon * Use of team challenge/low ropes course/obstacle course, hanging bridge * Use of all trails for biking, hiking, trekking * Day activity program * Facilitator’s Fee Overnight Package B: Overnight Stay with plated meals – P1,300.00/ * All of package A inclusions with plated lunch, dinner and breakfast and 2 snacks Overnight Package C: Overnight Stay with buffet meals – P1,700.00/pax * All of package A inclusions with buffet lunch, dinner and breakfast and 2 snacks In addition to our team building package, you may also be interested in the ff adventure bundles that you can do during your visit. Must be arranged and paid upon booking. Adventure Bundles Bundle A Basic Adventure P100/person -Round Trip Zipline -Use of mud slide Bundle B Advanced Adventure P200/person -Round Trip Zipline -Use of High Ropes Course Bundle C- Extreme Adventure P220/person -Round Trip Zipline -Use of High Ropes Course -Use of Mud Slide We hope that you will merit our proposal. We promise you an experience of learning, fun and adventure you won’t forget!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Securing Restful Services With Token Based Authentication Computer Science Essay

Securing Restful Services With Token Based Authentication Computer Science Essay Enterprises are increasingly deploying RESTful services for two reasons 1) to enable Web 2.0 integrations with data stores and backend systems 2) to allow RPC-style communication between client side web frameworks like GWT or YUI and backend systems. In addition, there are multiple frameworks to develop these services that are consumed internally and externally by different endpoints in different contexts. Hence, it is vital to provide simple and adaptable security that both integrates seamlessly with enterprise security and brings authentication, authorization and integrity to the services. This paper covers the pros and cons of various approaches of RESTful services security: 1) Transport level security (TLS/SSL) provides secure peer-to-peer authentication, but this technique is inadequate when requests for authentication are based on delegation (allowing sites to authenticate on behalf of the user). 2) The OAuth protocol enables consumers to access services through an API that doe s not require consumers to disclose their service provider credentials to access services. This is the most commonly followed approach used by Google AuthSub, AOL OpenAuth, and the Amazon AWS API. However, not all REST frameworks provide support to this protocol. 3) Token-based authentication developed for CA Technologies Unified Connector Framework (UCF) to expose services over REST or SOAP combines the advantages of these two without compromising standards and simplicity. Introduction Since RESTful web services are exposed using standard HTTP protocol and methods, they can easily be consumed in multiple ways, such as with direct access from browsers using URLs; through programmatic interface using HTTP client libraries; and from client side frameworks such as JavaScript,. If enterprise systems provide RESTful access to their data and functionality, the open nature of REST requires a strong security solution to prevent access by unintended users; to prevent sniffers on the network from reading messages; and to control the users who are allowed to interact with specific services and disallow certain actions for certain users. The question is what should be the strong security solution? The REST protocol itself does not specify any predefined security methods. Many people believe that HTTP security practices can be successfully applied for securing REST services. This can be true, depending on the scenarios where RESTful services are consumed. HTTP security may be ad equate if the RESTful services are intended for internal use only. One example is web applications using Ajax frameworks. Since they need RPC over HTTP or RESTful services for backend interactions, invocation of services is internal to the UI and transparent to clients who interact with the UI. In such a scenario, HTTP security may be adequate.. However, greater security is required when RESTful services are intended for external use, For example, CA Technologies Catalyst integration platform provides RESTful services that can be consumed by such mechanisms as mashups, ESBs, Ruby scripts, and many more, and requires a higher level of security. Although the security requirements greatly vary for these two scenarios, we need a simple and adaptable solution for both. This article describes the commonly used security methods for RESTful services and suggests a solution that mostly fulfills the security requirements for externally published services, including REST, SOAP over JMS, SOAP o ver HTTP, and other protocols. This approach was developed for and is used in the RESTful services of the Core API of CA Technologies Catalyst integration platform. Commonly available methods for securing RESTful services Container-Managed Authentication and Authorization: As RESTful web services are HTTP-centric, the most natural fit for authentication and authorization is container based authentication and authorization. The concept of realm places a central role in the Tomcat approach. A realm is a collection of resources including web pages and web services, with a designated authentication and authorization facility. The container approach to security also is declarative than programmatic that is details about the security realm are specified in a configuration file rather than in code. The container also provides option to enable wire level security. Refer [1] [2] for information about configuring realms for authentication and authorization and SSL/TLS for wire level security. The advantages of this method need not be specified explicitly here as they are proven and widely used. However, it has the following limitations when applied to RESTful services for enterprise use: With user credentials based authentication, the security solution is confined to identity silos. It does not support the Actas scenario. An Actas scenario involves multi-tiered systems to authenticate and pass information about identities between the tiers without having to pass this information at the application/business logic layer. Mutual Authentication: HTTPS with client certificate enabled performs two-way authentication. In addition to the client receiving a signed digital certificate representing the server, the server can receive a certificate that represents and identifies the client. When a client initially connects to a server, it exchanges its certificate and the server matches it against its internal store. Once this link is established, there is no further need for user authentication. Mutual authentication is perhaps the most secure way to perform authentication on the Web. This approach has the same drawbacks mentioned in the previous section. Another disadvantage of this approach is the managing of the certificates. The server must create a unique certificate for each client that wants to connect to the service. From the browser/human perspective, this can be burdensome, as the user has to do some extra configuration to interact with the server. Shared Key based authentication: This is the common method used by Amazon web services and Microsoft Azure services. In this method initially the client registers with the service provider. As part of registration, the service provider sends the client an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key. When a client wants to invoke services, it prepares the request, performs a hash on the request using its Secret Access Key, attaches the signature (hash) to the request, and forwards it to the service provider. The service provider verifies the signature is a valid hash of the request and, if authenticated, processes the request ([3] [4]). This achieves requester authentication as well as integrity without SSL The problem with this authentication schemes is that the contents and ordering of the string to sign are different from one service provider to another service provider. For instance, though Amazons and Azures mechanisms are very similar, their differences make them incompatible. Perhaps due to this issue, the OAuth approach covered in the next section is gaining popularity as a standard security mechanism for RESTful services. OAuth Oauth is an open protocol allowing secure API authentication and authorization in a simple and standard method for web applications. OAuth allows users of a service to provide limited access to a third party account of theirs to the service without sharing credentials. OAuth is often described as a valet key that users can give to a service to access their accounts on other services. For example, a user of Flickr (the service provider) would provide Snapfish (the consumer) with read only access to their Flickr account. This lets Snapfish access photos in the users Flickr account so they can order prints. Refer [5] for more details about OAuth specification. OAuth has some distinct advantages: It doesnt require certificates By choosing the right token format, it can support claims based Token. A claim is a statement about a subject; for example, a name, key, group, permission, or capability made by one subject about itself or another subject. Claims are given one or more values and then packaged in security tokens that are distributed by the issuer. It supports the SAML token. SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is a standard for exchanging authorization and authentication data between between an identity provider and a service provider regardless of their platforms or security systems. OAuth with SAML enables federated authentication and authorization. The only drawback is that not all RESTful services frameworks provide native support for dealing with OAuth based authentication. For example, Apache CXF does not support OAuth. Token based Authentication CA Technologies Catalyst4 integration platform includes the Unified Connector Framework (UCF) that provides a Java-based solution for connectivity and integration among CA and third-party products UCF has distinct security requirements: It should be able to support Actas scenarios; the platform should be able to invoke services from 3rd party providers on the behalf of clients Catalyst exposes services in several different protocols, including RESTful, SOAP over HTTP, SOAP over JMS, etc. Its security solution should work consistently in all the forms of the services. Its security solution should be extensible, simple and adaptable in different scenarios. To accommodate these requirements, UCF introduced the token based security solution using public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate for authentication and authorization of its services. This solution has the following components:. Domain Trust Certificate (DTC) is an X.509 v3 certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) or self signed owned by the DomainManager that controls the UCF domain. Trusted Certificate (TC) is a X.509 v3 certificate signed by DTC. A Node is either a service provider or service consumer who owns that TC signed by the DTC. Security Service is available per container2 which hosts several connectors1. This service issues a Token, validates the Token and sets claims retrieved from Token to the context so that they can be used by connectors or other entities in the container for Authorization or Actas scenarios. CertAuthService is an independent entity provides services like signing Certificate Signing Request CSR 5 and providing the DTC public key Token consists of set of claims signed by security service. Interactions on the Client side: The client generates a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) using keytool 6 and obtains a X.509 certificate signed by DTC from the CertAuthService. The signed CSR is called a Trusted Certificate (TC) in UCF domain. The client makes an addTrust() request to the Security Service at the service provider by passing its public key certificate. This step enables the Security Service to validate the certificate and add provided certificate to its trust store. Steps 1 2 are performed only once per client. The client makes a getToken() call with tokenRequest to the Security Service. The tokenRequest consists of claims and a signature computed using the clients private key. If client is using UCF API to make remote calls, then steps 1 2 are transparent to the client at the time of proxy creation to the service endpoint. The client prepares the request and adds the Token to the request header. If client is using the UCF API to make remote calls, then adding the Token to the request header is transparent to the client. The client makes a remote call Interactions on the Service side: The Security Service is hosted from a Catalyst container so that it is available to both external users and inside the container for security token validations. For addTrust() calls, the Security service validates the provided certificates signature to find whether it is signed by DTC or not. If it is DTC signed then the Service adds the certificate to its trust store. For getToken() calls, the Security service checks the signature against the available keys in its trust store. If it succeeds then a token is prepared and returned to the client. The token consists of claims, lifetime and the signature of the Security service. For all incoming calls to the services available in the Catalyst container, calls are intercepted at CXF handlers and the token is verified with Security service. If it is from a valid client then claims are extracted out of the token and sets to thread local context so that it may be used by connector implementation for further authorization or authentication with other service providers. Finally, the call is forwarded to the service. If the Security service is unable to validate the token, an unauthorized exception is returned to the client. Authorization is handled by any provider on service using claims. As described above, this solution supports authentication based on X.509 certificate and authorization is done by any provider using claims. The same set of claims is used for Actas scenario. For instance, services running in Catalyst container can use claims to talk to another services or endpoint on the behalf client. Conclusion The solution described in Section 3 is a better fit for platforms/products like Catalyst that need to make services available in more than one form such as REST, SOAP over HTTP and SOAP over JMS. It is a security solution that works consistently in all forms of services. Also, the solution is extensible to other modes of authentication like user credentials other than certificate based. This solution needs additional work to replace custom Token format to SAML based so that tokens can be consumed in third party software which understands SAML. This. Acknowledgments The solution described in Section 3 was contributed by entire UCF team which includes Sijelmassi, Rachid, me, GVN, Anila Kumar and Koganti, Naga. . Actas

The Success Of Brand Loreal

The Success Of Brand Loreal To start with a brief introduction, explaining which market you have chosen and why, which companies/brands you have chosen and why. The rest of the report can then be organised thematically, such as by operational marketing area that you have chosen to analyse. You might also like to include a short concluding section, tying everything together and setting out your main findings and conclusions. The market chosen is of that of cosmetic products which is a huge market in todays date having contrasting working attitudes and style, producing goods according to the local requirement in accordance to the wants of the customers and consumers. This assignment compares and contrasts the way in which two different companies, LOreal and Unilever carry out their international marketing. Initially this assignment revolves around the two mega cosmetic brand industry LOreal and Unilever and their marketing tactics and strategies around the globe in various countries. LOreal a cosmetic giant operating in over 130 countries worldwide proposes a turnover of over à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 13.7 billion since 2001 (check financial results of 2009 and report). The company records a consistent growth of over 19.6% and 26% increase in profit in 2001 and 2002 respectively. (Check recent growth and report) The consistent growth of the company and the share in the particular market is caused due to its varied marketing activities in the marketing arena. The company differs itself from other companies in the sphere of product/service design; packaging; brand name/logo; price; advertising; sales promotion; website; distribution channel(s). The success of Brand LOreal lies in the fact that the company succeeded in reaching out to the customers of different countries of the world, across different income ranges and cultural patterns, giving them the appropriate product they are worthy of. The area of expertise of LOreal being that it succeeded almost in every country that it entered. The strategies of LOreal was varied enough to help it and stop itself from restricting itself in a single country. LOreal sold its product on the basis of customer demand and country want rather than keeping the product identical across the globe. It built ample number of brands or mammoth brands entrenched to the restricted culture and which appealed to a variety of segment of the universal market instead of generalising the brand and edible in innumerable culture. LOreal went on to being a local product in every international market. The brand extension of LOreal also came in the same sector or the same segment of market. LOreal believed i n growing its expertise in the segment it is conscious of rather than going into a completely new sector of market.. LOreal had built a dozen or so mega brands rooted in the local culture and appealing to different segments of the global market. Instead of homogenizing the various brands and making them palatable in myriad cultures, Owen-Jones decided to embody their (the brands) country of origin, turning what many marketing gurus considered a narrowing factor into a marketing virtue. As a senior LOreal manager put it, You have to be local and as strong as the best locals but backed by an international image and strategy. We have made a conscious effort to diversify the cultural origins of our brands. Brand Extensions LOreal realized the need for caution in case of brand extensions. The company extended its brands after doing a thorough research. When LOreal decided to enter the kids shampoo category in 1998, it debated whether to launch a new brand or go for an extension. The company realized the LOreal name, long associated with womens hair care, would capture instant credibility with moms. But Kids was really a child-oriented product. When LOreal first unveiled its LOreal Kids shampoo line early 1998, retailers were sceptical. Retailers say the value isnt there. We say it is that the child establishes value. We were pretty tenacious. mentioned Carol Hamilton, 45, senior VP-marketing for the LOreal retail division of Cosmair LOreal professionals mechanises with LOreal professional salons in order to not only promote their product but also to help hairdressers to have a vision, excel and accomplish. LOreal have divided their product range in five different categories to focus its marketing activities exclusively designed for the targeted market audience. Professional products Consumer Products Luxury Products Cosmetics Body Shop The body shop was founded in 1976 in the United Kingdome well known for its strong product base of natural ingredients and having a network of over 2550 stores in 63 countries (is this the present situation?) Unilever on the other hand, a British-Duch multinational company owning ample numer of consumer products in the food, beverage and the personal care product sector. Promising to give a consistent evolution in the sustainable living plan of the commoners. Inspiring billions of people to support them in order to give themselves a better life. In a world of hype and stereotypes, the Dove Unilever provides a refreshing alternative for women who recognise that beauty isnt simply about how you look but it makes a genuine difference. Dove Unilever is committed to widening the definition of beauty for women because it believe real beauty comes in all ages, shapes and sizes. To help enjoy your own brand of beauty, Dove provides an extensive range of cleansing and personal care products that make a genuine difference to the condition and feel of skin and hair. Dove is the UKs top Bar Soap brand and 45% of the population bought a Dove product in 2010. In fact, 10.1 million women use Dove every week in the UK. Unilever first launched its products in the US during the 1950s, and in 1957 the basic Dove bar formula was refined and developed into the Original Dove Beauty bar. It was launched as a beauty soap that was clinically proven to be milder on dry and sensitive skins. Launched in the Uk in the late 1990s. The following years saw the launch of more bath time treats like beauty baths and moisturising body washes. Unilever Dove then expanded its brand into antiperspirant deodorants and ProAge, a range of skin cream and hair care products specifically designed in accordance to the requirement of the local women. Unilever re-defined the definition of beauty for women. In 2010 Unilever Dove came out with another revolutionary product of Damage therapy which could be used by the consumers at home rather than spending a fortune on other beauty therapys to keep their hair strong damage free. In 2010 Unilever also diversifies its Dove products from the female sector to the male and hence the birth of a completely new brand of products in which unilever had never stepped its foot into, the Dove Men Care brand was formed offering deodrants and body washes specifically designed for the male skin. LOreal entered India with the hair colour product, they changed the way consumers viewed the product. From being a product for the old-age to turn grey hair into shining black. LOreal targeted the young market for whome looking stylish and to the modern mark was really very important. It was a tough job for LOreal to change the mindsets of the people. Dove entered India in the late 1993. Dove-known to be a custodian to promise gave products to woment to satisfy them all over the world. In India Dove became the fastest growing hair care shampoo product in fifteen month of its launch. ADVERTISING LOreal-because you are worth it, gives a kind of a fulfilment to the consumer that the kind of product the consumer was looking for, this is it. LOreal started its advertising campaign in the late 1920 via posters and other such medims. It first time appeared onscreen in 1950s in movies. In todays date LOreal got celebrity of all ages to promote their product. The strategy that LOreal used here is to use local celebrities to whom the common man relate to rather than having just one celebrity to promote their product globally. For example in India LOreal used ex Miss world Aishwariya Rai to promote their product where as in the K they used Penelope Cruz to promote their product. This got LOreal the image of Traditional Beauty.LOreal knew that the best way to attract customers was to bestow the customers with the image that they could become as beautiful as their favourite celebrities. Resulting into more the sales of the product that would take place Dove on the other hand used the tactic of complementing their customers giving them a profound positive vibe by giving a positive line of you are beautiful resulting into her buying the product. Dove uses various creative marketing strategies like recently dove is using Facebook which is a social commerce networking site to promote its product. Dove has made its products available to the customers on the social website. Dove believes that it makes complete sense to move from a social networking website to a purchase worthwhile at the same place. On the later research when found that email results into more selling rather than social website, the focus of the company changed into sending more personalised emails to the prospective customers. Dove also launched a competitive advertisement in competition with LOreal with the tag line Dove is No.1 Shampoo sending customers emails with such adverts and making customer believe that it is the best the customer can get. Given the image of real women Dove never used or endorced their products through celebrities like in the case of Unilever. Instead Unilever built a new strategy for Dove. Given the cote of being Real Women Dove used a corporate advertising strategy by various culture of women and projecting an image of self-satisfaction for the Unilever brand.s Consumers will soon be able to buy Dove products through Facebook, with Unilever unveiling the new ecommerce offering shortly Marshall Manson, Europe Middle East and Africa managing director of digital at Unilevers PR agency Edelman, said: It makes sense to allow users to move directly from a social word-of-mouth recommendation, or from information a brand has shared, to purchase. He also said that the move makes it easier for Dove to connect social activity with business values and measure their effectiveness. The news comes just days after a study by Foresee found that consumers prefer email marketing messages than social media interactions with retailer websites in the UK. Larry Freed, president and chief executive officer of ForeSee Results, said brands need to be aware of how their target markets are influenced by promotional emails, advertising on Facebook or word-of-mouth recommendations. SALES PROMOTION In India LOreal brought the international style by transforming the looks in the form of amenities to its customers. LOreal marked its products through hair salons in India. Today LOreal owns over 2000 saloons over 36 cities in India. LOreal and Unilever competed on getting positioned in the shelf-space in the United States to be in the eye of the customers. Dove on the other hand promoted its product by positioning itself the best that is as the number one product and also with the help of dove the seven day challenge, where dove promised healthy hair or money back guarantee. In the United States Dove bought about the half-faced challenge. Dove asked the American customers to use the product on half of their face and feel the difference. LOreal on the other hand promised a reduction in the hair fall or in the healthy hair or a complete money back guarantee. LOreal carried out its sales promotion having a wide assortment with varying range of products for premium and the middle class. Though LOreals prmium product were at low demand, LOreal kept on reinforcing them through promoting their premium brand as a look of necessity. WEBSITE The LOreal website not only gives a brief introduction of its varied product features but it also gives information about the company history and also about the various product ranges for women in the market supplementing it with a little extra of for women categorising it specifically for them. LOreal in China launched a website in mandarin to help customers easy accessibility and making it easy for them to use the website. Dove maintains its simplicity in its website also but to it dove also adds up a space for testimonials and various offers and promotions that Dove have, to offer at that minute. To that Dove had also added up an interactive session and video to show how dove has helped peoples hair. Unilever on the other hand used specimens of local commoner beauty to endorse the Dove beauty product on their website. They also came up with advertisement of the websites specific to that part of the region. For example the Indian website had adverts of Dove moisture riser to have soft skin where as in the United Kingdome the website had advertisements on moisturiser on cold cream to protect them from the cols. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL A market channel is one of the most important factors in the marketing of a product. It closures the period, space and hole in the market between the consumers and the product manufacturers. In India to distribute its product Dove Unilever uses three approaches, indirect coverage, and direct coverage and Streamline method. Dove Unilever looked out for short supply-chain for distribution to meet its customers needs and to reach out to a huge population. In India Unilever elected sub-stockist that covered up the mass part of the marketing areas in India where as in the Unites Kingdome Unilever were in direct contact with the retailers to sell out their products. Over 180 million units are produced in the United Kingdome every year. Most of it, around 65% of it is exported overseas. CONCLUTION à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL LOreals Distribution Channel in the Balkans With 290 subsidiaries, more than 100 distributors and 42 plants, all spread out in about 130 countries, LOreal is the leader of the cosmetic industry. The group has begun its internationalisation in 1912 by following three steps: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ First, commercialisation of professional shampoos to hair-dressers via distributors in near Europe (Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Germany and Poland) and in the Americas first landing; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Second, local firms are taken over for example in the USA (Redken 1993, Maybelline 1996 etc.), in Argentina (Miss Y lang 2000) go native; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Third, subsidiaries (production, research and development) are directly created (Greenfield investment) without any first passage via distribution. It is the case in Asia (Japan and Hong Kong) globalisation. The group has to face harsh competition and new stakes like diversify its product segments (baby-boomers which become mammy-boomers; American, French and Japanese young with specific tastes; and men), exploit new means of distribution (like on line sales) and finally, take advantage before the competitors, of new emerging markets like Asia, India, Latin America, Africa and East European countries. For our analysis on distribution channel performance, we will focus on the Balkans region () where the group detains its highest number of distributors as well as no subsidiary. Furthermore, these countries are future new comers in the European Union and such a particular presence in this region is no doubt linked to LOreal internationalisation strategy. Distributors, in this area, buy products directly to the headquarters. There are lot of things you wrote about LOreals distribution channelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. You need to bring in some operational marketing of LOreal and then conclusion. UNQUOTE ABA This report will analysing the international/global marketing activities of two international well known companies LOreal and Garnier operating in a similar market across a range of countries in a contrasting way. The activities that the report will focus on are as follows product/service design or formulation; packaging; brand name/logo; price; advertising; sales promotion; website; distribution channel(s). SLIDE SHOW MAILS LOreal a company operating in over 130 countries worldwide propose a turnover of over à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 13.7 billion since 2001. The company records a consistent growth of over 19.6% and 26% increase in profit in 2001 and 2002 respectively. The consistent growth of the company and the share in the particular market is caused due to its varied marketing activities in the marketing arena. The company differs itself from other companies in the sphere of product/service design; packaging; brand name/logo; price; advertising; sales promotion; website; distribution channel(s). http:// BRAND- The success of Brand LOreal lies in the fact that the company succeeded in reaching out to the customers of different countries of the world, across different income ranges and cultural patterns. The area of expertise of LOreal being that it succeeded almost in every country that it entered. The strategies of LOreal was varied enough to help it and stop itself from restricting itself in a single country. LOreal sold its product on the basis of customer demand and country want rather than keeping the product identical across the globe. It build ample number of brands or mammoth brands entrenched to the restricted culture and which appealed to the a variety of segment of the universal market instead of generalising the brand and edible in innumerable culture. LOreal went on to being a local product in every international market. The brand extension of LOreal also came in the same sector or the same segment of market. LOreal had built a dozen or so mega brands rooted in the local culture and appealing to different segments of the global market. Instead of homogenizing the various brands and making them palatable in myriad cultures, Owen-Jones decided to embody their (the brands) country of origin, turning what many marketing gurus considered a narrowing factor into a marketing virtue. As a senior LOreal manager put it, You have to be local and as strong as the best locals but backed by an international image and strategy. We have made a conscious effort to diversify the cultural origins of our brands. Brand Extensions LOreal realized the need for caution in case of brand extensions. The company extended its brands after doing a thorough research. When LOreal decided to enter the kids shampoo category in 1998, it debated whether to launch a new brand or go for an extension. The company realized the LOreal name, long associated with womens hair care, would capture instant credibility with moms. But Kids was really a child-oriented product. When LOreal first unveiled its LOreal Kids shampoo line early 1998, retailers were skeptical. Retailers say the value isnt there. We say it is, that the child establishes value. We were pretty tenacious. mentioned Carol Hamilton, 45, senior VP-marketing for the LOreal retail division of Cosmair Loreal professionnel mechanises with Loreal profetional salons in order to not only promote their product but also tp help hairdressers to have a vision, excel and accomplish. They have devided their product range in five different categories Proffestional products Consumer products Luxuary products Active cosmetics and The body shop. The body shop was founded in 1976 in the United Kingdome well known for its strong product base of natural ingredients and having a network of over 2550 stores in 63 countries. Dove In a world of hype and stereotypes, the Dove brand provides a refreshing alternative for women who recognise that beauty isnt simply about how you look. Making a genuine difference Dove is committed to widening the definition of beauty for women because we believe real beauty comes in all ages, shapes and sizes. To help you enjoy your own brand of beauty, Dove provides an extensive range of cleansing and personal care products that make a genuine difference to the condition and feel of your skin and hair. Dove is the UKs top Bar Soap brand and 45% of the population bought a Dove product in 2010. In fact, 10.1 million women use Dove every week in the UK. How it all started First launched in the US during the 1950s, Dove cleansing bar with its moisturising properties was originally developed to treat burn victims during the war. In 1957 the basic Dove bar formula was refined and developed into the Original Dove Beauty bar. It was launched as a beauty soap that was clinically proven to be milder on dry and sensitive skins. In the 1970s an independent clinical dermatological study proved Dove Beauty bar was milder than 17 leading bar soaps. Dove was launched in the UK in the 1990s. The following years saw the launch of more bath time treats like beauty baths and moisturising body washes. In 2001 Dove launched its first antiperspirant deodorant. Only Dove Deodorant has its 1/4 moisturising cream formula that helps skin to recover itself after every shave, leaving underarm skin feeling smoother than an ordinary deodorant. 2004 saw the launch of the Campaign for Real Beauty, which highlighted the Dove brands commitment to broadening definitions of beauty. Following on from this Dove launched the Self Esteem Fund in 2005 which acts as an agent of change to educate and inspire young girls on a wider definition of beauty. It aims to boost the self-confidence of young girls and women, enabling them to reach their full potential in life. Also in 2007 Dove launched ProAge, a range of skin care, deodorant and hair care that has been specifically designed to give mature skin what it needs right now. In 2010 the Dove hair care range was revitalised with distinct new benefits. The Dove Damage Therapy range is designed to combat the damage caused by daily brushing, towel drying styling etc. 2010 also saw the launch of the new Dove Men+Care male grooming brand, offering deodorants and body washes specifically designed for mens skin Did you know? British girls suffer the lowest self esteem in the world, after Japan. Almost  ¾ (74%) of girls aged 8 12 are so dissatisfied with their bodies that they would like to change something about their appearance. The Dove team is committed to help girls build positive self-esteem and a healthy body image, with a goal of reaching 5 million girls worldwide by 2010. The Dove Self Esteem Fund has reached over 5 million girls worldwide and is committed to continuing to help girls build positive self-esteem and a healthy body image. For information on the Dove range of products call the customer careline free on 0800 085 1548 in the UK and 1850 404060 in Ireland. From our range Dove Beauty Cream Bar Dove Triple Moisturising Body Wash Dove Rich Nourishing Body Moisturiser Dove Original Roll On Deodorant Dove Go Fresh Cucumber Green Tea Scent Deodorant Dove Intensive Repair Shampoo Dove Intensive Repair Express Treatment Conditioner Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Antiperspirant Dove Men+Care Clean Comfort Body Face wash | PRICE ADVERTISING LOreal-because you are worth it gives a kind of a satisfaction that this is the kind of product that the consumer was looking for. LOreal advertised around the world in the 1920 via posters. In the 1950s it brought its advertising medium in movies and made it on screen for the first time. In todays date LOreal has taken various famous actresses of varied celebrities of all ages to promote their product. With the promotion techniques LOreal has kept one thing in mind to also use local celebrity for the local advertisement in order so as to the common can relate themselves and in order to use the image of traditional beautiful women. Having the idea in mind that more beautiful the women would be more the customer would get attracted and in accordance more the sales of the product would take place. In India LOreal advertised through a media onslaught for its global brand featuring Aishwariya Rai re-defining the definition of beautiful hair. LOreal India has just launched a media blitz for its global brand LOreal Paris Total Repair 5 featuring cine star Aishwarya Rai Advertising: In 1920s, LOreal advertised around world by posters. Around 1950s, it brought a new advertising medium, especially the movies. LOreal made it on-screen first time during this period and it won an advertising Oscar award. Nowadays, LOreal takes on famous actresses or different celebrities of all ages that promote product and ensures its higher sales. Read more: Dove-you are beautiful gives a positive feeling to the customer that she is beautiful and hence she needs to have the product. Dove uses various creative marketing strategies like recently dove is using Facebook which is a social commerce networking site to promote its product. Dove has made its products available to the customers on the social website. Dove believes that it makes complete sense to move from a social networking website to a purchase worthwhile at the same place. On the later research when found that email results into more selling rather than social website, the focus of the company changed into sending more personalised emails to the prospective customers. Dove also launched a competitive advertisement in competition with Loreal with the tag line Dove is No.1 Shampoo making customer believe that it is the best. a comparative ad campaign with the ad line Dove is No. 1 Shampoo even before Consumers will soon be able to buy Dove products through Facebook, with Unilever unveiling the new ecommerce offering shortly. Powered by Amazon, the Facebook store will first be available in the US with plans in place for a global rollout later this year. Speaking to Marketing Week, Marshall Manson, Europe Middle East and Africa managing director of digital at Unilevers PR agency Edelman, said: It makes sense to allow users to move directly from a social word-of-mouth recommendation, or from information a brand has shared, to purchase. He also said that the move makes it easier for Dove to connect social activity with business values and measure their effectiveness. The news comes just days after a study by Foresee found that consumers prefer email marketingmessages than social media interactions with retailer websites in the UK. Larry Freed, president and chief executive officer of ForeSee Results, said brands need to be aware of how their target markets are influenced by promotional emails, advertising on Facebook or word-of-mouth recommendations. SALES PROMOTION In India loreal brought the international style by transforming the looks in the form of amenities to its customers. LOreal marked its products through hair salons in India. Today owning over 2000 saloons over 36 cities in India. In 2002, Mr. Sharma, the general manager of LOreal India Pvt Ltd, expected the sales turnover to double. So he bought the international styles to India, the Indian hair dressers will recreate the looks of customers by converting the interpreted looks in the form of services rendered to them. So nowadays, LOreal India has 2000 saloons across 36 cities. Read more: WEBSITE The LOreal website not only gives a brief introduction of it varied product features but it also gives information about the company history and also about the various product ranges for women in the market supplementing it with a little extra of for women categorising it specifically for them. Dove maintains its simplicity in its website also but to it dove also adds up a space for testimonials and various offers and promotions that Dove have, to offer at that minute. To that Dove had also added up an interactive session and video to show how dove has helped peoples hair. DIS For our analysis on distribution channel performance, we will focus on the Balkans3 region where the group detains its highest number of distributors as well as no subsidiary4 Furthermore, these countries are future new comers in the European Union and such a particular presence in this region is no doubt linked to LOreal internationalisation strategy. Distributors, in this area, buy products directly to the headquarters and are provided thanks to the Hungarian subsidiary. Performance Evaluation Several criteria, extracted from the Marketing literature5 enable to evaluate LOreal export channel performance. These criteria are divided into four main categories (see schema 1): 1. Selection of foreign intermediaries is the first criterion to examine: what has determined the choice of one distributor better than one another? Indeed, if choice is not well considered, performance tends to be altered. An ineffective foreign distributor can set you back in years; it is almost better to have no distributor than a bad one in a major market6. In the case of LOreal, the choice of a distributor comes from three options: recommendations from business contacts, prospecting or direct requests by the distributor himself. In all cases, a deep audit of the would-be distributor is undertaken7 (financial strengths, commercial force, know-how, etc. ). Obviously, the chosen distributor does not sell direct rival products nor any other cosmetics products. The distributor seems to have a great interest to cooperate to this rule otherwise they lose the opportunity to sell the famous brand. 2. Monitoring: such as reporting, control of selling places, frequency of visits and type of contract, is said to be necessary in order to reduce information asymmetry that undergoes the exporter. All types of monito

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Combating Terrorism :: essays research papers fc

At 8:45am, on September 11th, 2001 America’s heart was torn by a hijacked plane crashing through the north tower of the World Trade Center. Eighteen minutes later, a shocked country received a second blow as a second plane tore through the south tower. An estimated 2,819 lives were lost that day. The attack seemed to have come out of nowhere. As a country, we were not properly prepared to defend ourselves. America needs to devote as much money and as many resources as possible to combating terrorism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been argued that if we focus too much on preventing terrorism, we risk ignoring or reducing support for measures designed to reduce other threats to life and health (Source 1). The suggested threats we risk ignoring included heart disease, automobile accidents, and drunk driving. While these are completely valid daily threats, they are also often easily preventable. While there is not much an individual can do to protect themselves from terrorism, they can definitely have a strong influence on preventing the aforementioned. Many of societies concerns can be prevented by the self control of the individual. With the exception of heredity, heart disease may be prevented by eating healthy and exercising. Car accidents can be prevented by being more aware, and focusing on driving instead of text messaging on cell phones at every red light. The American individual needs to be more responsible so that the government can focus on bigger things such as terrorism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If America had given homeland security as much attention five years ago as it does today, the twin towers may still be standing. The events on September 11th, 2001 should have never happened to a country with as much resource and technology as America. It is difficult to understand why a country that has enough technology to create human body parts from stem cells would not have the technology to prevent a terrorist from boarding and taking over a U.S. airplane.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We made the mistake of not worrying about terrorism enough in the past. Now America needs to learn from that mistake and look towards the future. Many people think that we are spending too much on counter terrorism. Since September 11th, America has spent 18 billion dollars combating terrorism (Source 2). That may sound like a lot, but not when we had a total of $1,946 trillion dollars of expenditures in 2003 alone Combating Terrorism :: essays research papers fc At 8:45am, on September 11th, 2001 America’s heart was torn by a hijacked plane crashing through the north tower of the World Trade Center. Eighteen minutes later, a shocked country received a second blow as a second plane tore through the south tower. An estimated 2,819 lives were lost that day. The attack seemed to have come out of nowhere. As a country, we were not properly prepared to defend ourselves. America needs to devote as much money and as many resources as possible to combating terrorism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been argued that if we focus too much on preventing terrorism, we risk ignoring or reducing support for measures designed to reduce other threats to life and health (Source 1). The suggested threats we risk ignoring included heart disease, automobile accidents, and drunk driving. While these are completely valid daily threats, they are also often easily preventable. While there is not much an individual can do to protect themselves from terrorism, they can definitely have a strong influence on preventing the aforementioned. Many of societies concerns can be prevented by the self control of the individual. With the exception of heredity, heart disease may be prevented by eating healthy and exercising. Car accidents can be prevented by being more aware, and focusing on driving instead of text messaging on cell phones at every red light. The American individual needs to be more responsible so that the government can focus on bigger things such as terrorism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If America had given homeland security as much attention five years ago as it does today, the twin towers may still be standing. The events on September 11th, 2001 should have never happened to a country with as much resource and technology as America. It is difficult to understand why a country that has enough technology to create human body parts from stem cells would not have the technology to prevent a terrorist from boarding and taking over a U.S. airplane.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We made the mistake of not worrying about terrorism enough in the past. Now America needs to learn from that mistake and look towards the future. Many people think that we are spending too much on counter terrorism. Since September 11th, America has spent 18 billion dollars combating terrorism (Source 2). That may sound like a lot, but not when we had a total of $1,946 trillion dollars of expenditures in 2003 alone

Friday, July 19, 2019

Girlfight and Pumping Iron II :: Film Movies

Girlfight and Pumping Iron II Our society tends to define masculinity and femininity according to rigid gender norms that are learned at young ages. These norms are apparent in language, perceptions, behaviors and pastimes. Since sport is considered a great American pastime, it is a popular realm for the separation of the sexes and the creation of socially defined proper roles for women and men. Sports like bodybuilding and boxing have come to be viewed as masculine because they involve conventionally masculine traits such as strength and aggression. In contrast, sports such as gymnastics and ice-skating have come to be viewed as feminine because they involve conventionally feminine traits such as charm and grace. Thru documenting the lives of female athletes competing in non-traditional sports for their sex, the movies Girlfight and Pumping Iron II reveal certain social and cultural costs and benefits of gender norm defiance. Girlfight portrays the sport of boxing as the savior for a confused, misunderstood and quite angry teenager who is spiraling down a path of self-destruction. Diana Guzman, the protagonist of the movie, finds discipline, self-respect, balance and love in the most unexpected of places- the boxing ring. By competing, and eventually succeeding in a sport that is not generally a welcome endeavor for females, Diana is able to transcend the bitter world outside the boxing ring and feel senses of acceptance, empowerment, pride, confidence, self-fulfillment and accomplishment. Her unconventional success is a form of communication. She shows young women and men everywhere that it is okay to hit or throw, "like a girl", and that beauty can come in many different forms. The same is true for Rachel McLish, Carla Dunlap, Lori Bowen and Bev Francis, the bodybuilders in Pumping Iron II. Their small victories in the gym and on the stage become larger victories in the fight for gender equality. Their biceps bulge out of their bikinis and cry, "We can do it too!" Diana, Rachel, Carla, Lori and Bev serve as strong and powerful feminist role models who believe in themselves and their bodies, defy patriarchy and create rights of passages. However, these females' roads to success are not paved with gold. Diana runs into many macho traditionalists who believe that equality is "crap" and that her energies should be spent elsewhere. Her trainer initially doubts and underestimates her, telling her that, "It is not right. It's dangerous.